Here are this week’s skill development news bytes covering various happenings and updates in the industry, government, academia and other stakeholders in the skilling and TVET space. The news and latest happenings could help you generate leads for developing your business in this sector. The News Bytes are compiled and adapted from various sources* with the sole objective of keeping our readers informed about the evolving skills industry in India and how they can be a part of it.
Skill Development news from the Government
New ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship :We are glad to share information about the new Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The ministry will be headed by Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Cabinet Minister and Shri. Raj Kumar Singh, Minister of State.
Inclusion of AI, IoT soon into Skill India movement: A national policy will soon be formulated to reskill and upskill millions of youth in the country to create a workforce capable of handling new technical trends such as artificial intelligence, internet of things and machine learning.
Upcoming Events
Skill East 2019 : CII summit on Future Skills, Entrepreneurship and Networking – Register now!
Regional Abilympics 2019 from National Abilympics Association of India (NAAI) and Sarthak Educational Trust- Register now!
Skill Development news from the Academia
University wants skill programs for students in Jharkand: Kolhan University’s requested to involve more students in the government’s skill development programmes. A meeting was called by the skill development department to discuss this in Ranchi. They proposed a three-year programme that includes soft and communication skills during undergraduate first year followed by quantitative aptitude tests in the second year along with group practice and counselling on career choices for students appearing in competitive exams.
Humanities students can opt for skill courses now in Chandigarh: Class XI students seeking admission in the humanities stream can also opt for skill courses now. Earlier, skill courses were part of the vocational stream only. As of now, there are 16 government schools in the city that are offering skill courses as elective subject in the humanities stream. The aim is to lay more emphasis on practical learning.
MOU signed between Rural Development Ministry and Amrita University: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) have joined together for collaborating on sharing knowledge, transfer of technologies and training in the areas of e-Learning, skill development, rural technologies, sanitation, energy conservation and outreach programs at Amritapuri campus.
Job Openings at NSN: Role: Content Marketing Executives – Apply now!
Skill Development news from the industry
Bosch opens first Model Skill Development center at Government ITI in Bengaluru: Bosch’s model Skill Development Center houses seven learning facilities within it, including a Mechatronics Lab, a Modern Manufacturing Lab, a Modern Carpentry Lab and an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Lab. Further, two other labs have been developed in partnership with Samsung, namely the Hand-held Phone and Audio-Visual Lab and Home Appliances Lab.
ASDC Partner’s Forum meet held at New Delhi: In order to discuss, share knowledge and understand the opportunities to provide quality training with credible assessments and certification, Automotive Skills Development Council organised the ASDC Partner’s Forum 2019 in New Delhi. The event focused on overview of current scenario at the skilling industry, best practices prevalent in this sector and challenges and suggestions.
CSR and Skill Development
Lanxess India providing skill training through its CSR initiative: Speciality chemicals company Lanxess India has established a skill development centre in Thane, Maharashtra as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme that will provide training to aspiring candidates looking for suitable employability.
Schaeffler India providing vocational training on skill development to youth through CSR: Schaeffler India Limited , the leading industrial and automotive supplier, inaugurated a fully operational vocational skill development training center at Hosur to provide skill training in the fields of CNC Machining and Mechatronics training to the youth of the underprivileged sections of the society. The program will be run by SkillSonics India Pvt Ltd, as the learning and implementation partner.
Apprenticeships and other news
Apprentices in Hyderabad earn 132% more than other places: According to the latest TeamLease Skill University Stipend Primer Report, the stipend paid to apprentices in Hyderabad is 132 per cent higher than the applicable minimum wages in the state. Not only companies in Hyderabad, but corporates across Telangana are doing well when it comes to rewarding apprentices. Telangana tops the list as one of the highest paying state.
EPCH Delegation visits Vietnam for marketing and skill development: To understand traditional skills and craftsmanship with usages of technology in making high quality crafts in Vietnam, a high level delegation including prominent members of Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) visited Vietnam from May 18 – 21.
NISE to organise Workshop for Startups Specializing in Solar Technology: The National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), is organising the 15th edition of its workshop on the prospects for startups for solar technologies. It is targeting existing and prospective solar entrepreneurs, EPC contractors, graduate engineers, MNRE channel partners, energy department officials of the government of India, officers from state nodal agencies and individuals interested in solar sector business.
Skill development training program to empower youth by SCR: South Central Railway for the first time has introduced a unique program for imparting Skill Development Courses to wards and dependents of Railway Employees and also to local youth and people residing in Guntakal Town at the Skill Development Centre set up at Divisional Office premises, Guntakal Division.
Students preferring high paying courses: Vocational and skill development courses under National Skills Qualification Framework to professional courses, including mental health, financial services and stock market training are becoming the most sought after courses among students, who are seeking admission in colleges this year.
Skill development training for sanitation workers in Aurangabad: The sanitation workers at Vaijapur are being trained under PMKVY. The trained workers will receive skill council certification which will help them move towards the skilled workforce segment.
News from the States
1603 people trained by TPSDI in power and allied sectors: Tata Power Skill Development Institute aims to empower and enhance the employability of people in and around Tata Power’s operational areas with industry-ready skills, especially in the power and allied sectors. TPSDI has five skilling hubs across India and its hub at Jojobera in Jharkhand trained 1603 people in the previous financial year from April 2018-March 2019.
Two-day conference on simulation in nursing ‘Nursimcon India’ commences in Mangaluru: The health care sector skill council Chairperson inaugurated a two-day national conference on simulation in nursing ‘Nursimcon India – 2019. This event is organised by Father Muller College of Nursing and Father Muller Simulation and Skill Centre.
Dimapur to have India-Taiwan Bamboo Technical Centre: To promote the bamboo industry in Nagaland in particular and the entire Northeast in general, an India-Taiwan Bamboo Technical Centre has been proposed to be set up by Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency in association with Taiwan-based bamboo companies and experts in areas of R&D, technology transfer, skill development, investments in bamboo sector, marketing, etc.
12,000 rural enterprises to be set up in Odisha by EDII: Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, announced that it will create over 12,000 rural enterprises under Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) in Odisha in the next four years.
Punjab to use social media to promote ‘Ghar Ghar Rozgar’ scheme: Hoping to make get a widespread reach through social media, the Punjab government has decided to unleash online publicity drive for its flagship ‘Ghar Ghar Rozgar’ scheme.
Creative entrepreneurs being skilled by Patsav Academy: Patsav Academy launches its first successful franchise centre in Hyderabad. All the programmes are certified by Skill India, leading to employment opportunities and ‘Patsav’ has also engaged student entrepreneurs through valued Entrepreneurial Development Programme.
*IMPORTANT: These news bytes are compiled and adapted from various sources, if any source has objections or other concerns, please write to us at, giving valid reasons, we will immediately remove the link to your content.
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