LabourNet offers equal opportunities for the youth, women and men in the unorganised sector addressing gender and pay parities in the workforce aligning with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 5, for Gender Equality.
LabourNet is incredibly delighted to participate in one of the world’s largest forums on ‘Gender Equality’, i.e., Women Deliver 2019 in Vancouver, Canada during 3rd, June 2019 to 6th, June 2019.
It is one of the few organisations that have been chosen from India, to be a part of this conference for the kind of work that it has been doing in livelihood enablement, offering equal opportunities for all the youth, women and men since its inception, which is also in alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 5, for Gender Equality.
LabourNet believes and drives all its initiatives of education, employment and entrepreneurship, ensuring financial independence, gender and pay parity in the workforce, fair visibility of women both in leadership and managerial roles guaranteeing equal opportunities for all the genders.
Of all the 10 Lakh lives LabourNet has enabled so far, 410,368 are women across various unorganised sectors through education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. The sector-wise and state-wise stats on the female lives empowered are:
Beauty and Wellness – 101,625
Leather – 80,005
Construction – 75,940
Apparel/Textiles – 24,659
Others – 128,139
Number of women empowered state-wise
Odisha – 67,401
Tamil Nadu – 64,924
Karnataka – 61,785
Punjab – 11,196
Rajasthan – 10,385
West Bengal – 7,969
Keeping the momentum up, LabourNet continues its efforts with gender equality at its heart not just in enabling more and more livelihoods in the unorganised sectors via education, employment and entrepreneurship, but also within the organisation shattering the biases and stereotypes, setting the new dynamics in the functioning of the social enterprise.
“Although women constitute close to half the country’s population, their contribution towards measured economic pursuit, growth, and well-being is far below the potential, with severe macroeconomic consequences for the nation. Change for the better is possible only if women are included as part of the mainstream” – Gayathri Vasudevan
Women Deliver 2019 in Vancouver, Canada
‘Women Deliver 2019’ is the world’s largest conference on gender equality, health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. It stages more than 6,000 world leaders, influencers, advocates, academicians, activists, and journalists from across the globe who will flock to Vancouver, Canada, with the drive to accelerate progress for girls and women everywhere.
Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. It drives investment – political and financial – in the lives of girls and women worldwide. It unites diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality across every aspect of their lives. They believe that investing in girls and women will deliver progress for all.
This global conference is conducted once in three years to make the new Sustainable Development Goals matter most for girls and women, and showcase hundreds and hundreds of solutions.
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