The National Education Policy (NEP 2020) has opened up new avenues to integrate vocational and skill-based learning with general education.
The mandate for mainstreaming vocational education places the need for thought leadership and immediate action from all the key stakeholders in schools and colleges in India.
It has been our earnest endeavor to connect with experts in education, training, and skill development and engage in discussions to catalyze innovative action in implementing the National Education Policy.
We also conduct workshops to discuss the crucial aspects of NEP 2020. To stay up-to-date with the latest practices of the recent education policy, please register for the workshop here –

NEP 2020 and Vocational Education and Skill Development
NEP 2020 - Vocational Education at the School Level
NEP 2020 - NCrF, LOCF and Higher Education
NEP 2020 - Video Resources
Vocational education in schools | NEP 2020 Policy Recommendations
Vocational Education and Skills in National Education Policy 2020: 10 points to carefully consider
Unlocking youth aspirations and NEP 2020
Repositioning skills with higher education
75 years of vocational education and skill development in India
National Skills Qualification Framework - NSQF - Revised Levels - Part1
National Skills Qualification Framework - NSQF - Revised Levels - Part2
NEP 2020: Awareness and sensitisation for Teachers and Trainers | Session 01 | NSN Webinar series
21st Century Skills for Teachers and Trainers | Session 02 | NSN Webinar series