The unprecedented outbreak of Coronavirus has resulted in a complete paradigm shift in the Electronics sector. The industry is gaining momentum and redefining the ways to conduct business and offer services. It is expected to grow more in the coming months. The Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) is ready to take on the challenge to provide skilled manpower to the whole sector and realign itself to contribute to nation building in the new situation.
To know more about the paradigm shift in the Electronics sector, Team NSN interacted with Mr. N K Mohapatra, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), ESSCI.
The sector looks promising and ESSCI is prepared to reorient and reinvent itself to respond to the current situation and ensure seamless skill development given the current atmosphere. Read on to know more.
Q. What is the impact of COVID-19 on the Electronics industry in terms of jobs and skill development?
A. With the outbreak of the pandemic, over 1000 ESDM companies are expected to relocate to India from China. There will be many job roles that will be in-demand post COVID-19. The following product categories are expected to bring about a huge demand and the government has formed an immediate action plan to promote these products to channelize the industry for achieving the goals set in the NPE 2019. Huge capacities are expected to be created in the given product categories and skilled manpower in high demand across the product life cycle.
- Consumer Electronics and IT Hardware
- Medical Electronics
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Automation
- R&D manufacturing
Q. How is the job market going to change post COVID-19 and does it need new QP-NOS, job roles etc?
A. The Electronics sector is going throug some major changes when it comes to jobs and career opportunities. Around 8,00,000 jobs are expected to be created in the sector. The National Policy for Electronics 2019 specifically launches the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing. PLI for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing proposes a financial incentive to boost domestic manufacturing and attract large investments in the electronics value chain and aims to create massive job opportunities.
The jobs would mostly be related to the factory manufacturing job roles for assembly line operators, PCB assembly, EMS operators, maintenance engineers and trained in robotics, automation and Industry 4.0 related job roles.
The IT hardware market is expected to see unprecedented growth due to the current pandemic with huge requirements for remote and contactless service technicians and new methods of delivering service.
There would be need for updated and new QP in the electronics landscape and some of them would be around IoT, Automation, Remote Communication Systems, Surveillance and Industry 4.0. ESSCI is definitely aware and is in the process of identifying the skill gaps to be filled in due course.
Q. How are you ensuring the continuous skill development in the electronics sector in the present scenario? and what are the challenges in that?
A. The Electronics Sector Council of India has diligently analysed the situation and has adapted to the crisis to the best of its ability. The lockdown led us to adopt technological interventions to ensure seamless delivery of training though a remote mechanism leading to a contactless training method through our state-of-the-art Learning Management System (E-LMS). The assessment and certification too have been migrated online, thus enabling us to have the capability to address all delivery of services online and through remote mechanisms.
ESSCI is working hard to ensure supply of skilled manpower in the current pandemic. The management has refined the working style and the team is working overtime. The work from home is contributing to efficiency and productivity With online tools like Zoom / Google Meeting are happening twice a day for review with the help of online tools like Zoom/Google Meet. Groups have been formed to work on specific tasks which have emerged in the COVID-19 lockdown and pandemic.
Q. Are there any e-learning initiatives by ESSCI that students can pursue during the time of this crisis?
A. ESSCI’s Learning Management System is an online based system which enables us to deliver learning content and skill modules to the enrolled candidates. It comes as a saving grace during these times of lockdown and a compelling need to have a remote and contactless system to address all training needs through digital content, videos, do it yourself (DIY) kits and a host of innovative methods to achieve skill development without the conventional way.
The technological intervention is sought to be adopted to ensure a smooth transition in training methods and with technology comprehensively and consistently integrated in order to transform the way we deliver training and skill certification.
The qualification packs (QPs) and curriculum which are in high demand due to the current pandemic have been refined and complete end to end capability built in the E-LMS for seamless delivery of training and competencies.
We have also undertaken all Training of Trainers programmes though the LMS system and ensured successful completion of the programmes for the trainers who were nominated for the purpose.
Q. As the world is changing rapidly and is becoming technology driven, how is the industry planning to cope with the technological advancements and adoption of automation?
A. The immediate trends in the electronics sector are the development of contactless customer care remote services , online videos solution / IoT based solutions through cloud computing for remote troubleshooting , installation and commissioning of affordable intensive health care unit (ventilators , mini ICU) at home, education and assessment through online learning platform.
On the training and service delivery side a complete shift in approach is envisaged with the DIY kits based learning models for school students, virtual labs simulated with AR/VR technology for higher education, use of IoT for remote process management, advancement in Networking Solutions and Cybersecurity, faster adoption of Industry 4.0 and Data Analytics in ESDM industries thus bringing about a new energy and opportunities in the sector
The way forward…
The Electronics industry is currently reeling under the shortage of skilled labour. ESSCI has stepped in to ensure supply of skilled manpower to the industry. The whole engagement process has gone contactless and through a remote mechanism of selection, recruitment and deployment.
The council received a LOI from Wistron Corporation to help them in their proposed manufacturing capacity expansion in India, resulting in a demand of 20,000 factory workers, which ESSCI would train and deploy.
Also read: Structured Technical Enhancement Program (STEP) from ESSCI strives to prepare workforce for Industry 4.0
ESSCI has been able to place over 525 candidates in the industry under the apprenticeship programme and also able to provide service to the industry by supplying skilled manpower through its job portal and will continue to do the same in the future as well.
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