DFID India held a webinar on 28th May 2020 to disseminate the findings and recommendations of an independent study on ‘Productivity Benefits of Apprenticeship Training in India’ commissioned by it. The study findings and recommendations were presented to the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and other key stakeholders from the skills ecosystem.
The event was attended by over 120 delegates from across Government, Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), Third-Party Aggregators (TPAs), and Industry players. Ms. Anu Gupta, Head of Skills, DFID India opened the webinar briefing participants about DFID’s work in India and about the mandate of Skill for Jobs Programme including on apprenticeships. Mr. Surajit Roy, Senior Head (Apprenticeships), NSDC referred to the comprehensive reforms initiated to drive apprenticeships for increasing employability, thereby setting the context of the study.
Ms. Sunita Sanghi, Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was the keynote speaker. She spoke about roadmap towards increasing apprentices in India. Her suggestions included integrating apprenticeships with other short-term training programs, making apprenticeships aspirational, and possible interventions to reduce the complexity of reimbursement procedures.
Related Article: DFID India invites you to a webinar on Productivity benefits of Apprenticeships – Read More: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/webinar-on-productivity-benefits-of-apprenticeship-training-in-india/
The findings shared by Dalberg advisors focused on employers’ perception of value derived from apprenticeships as well as challenges associated with the implementation. Two-thirds of the survey respondents see net positive value in apprenticeship, 57% see long term benefits in apprenticeship training and there are returns to be made even during the apprenticeship period. Tapping larger enterprises to utilize their full potential, using a cluster-based approach, addressing operational pain points, etc. were some of the key recommendations. There was active participation from the delegates who made meaningful suggestions on various aspects such as on mechanisms of stipend disbursal, simplification of procedures, and integration of apprenticeship across skilling ecosystem. A gist of suggestions made will be shared for consideration of policymakers. The webinar ended with a vote of thanks from DFID and NSDC.
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