We just completed seven years and this journey wouldn’t have been as exciting and enriching, without your support, encouragement and compassion.
Like any startup that was shaken and shocked by the pandemic, we too had our share of ups, downs and in-betweens. It wasn’t easy of anyone of us but we had to keep innovating, pivoting and trying out many things to sustain and survive!
As continue telling stories of people, organizations and impact who have also withstood the vagaries and volatility that’s typical of the domain we work in – we’re glad to have a network of likeminded professionals, dreamers, doers and cheerleaders who shared our enthusiasm, energy and passion to keep going! A big thanks to all our partners (past and present) for all the trust and belief in NSN.
National Skills Network (NSN): Skill development and vocational education in India on the cusp of disruption
National Skills Network (NSN) – the website has just crossed the 3,000,000 mark of all-time views and NSN YouTube is close to 7000 subscribers, plus our other social media channels have been attracting regular followers. While these numbers make us feel good, that’s exactly where we feel even more responsible to keep up our standards and quality in whatever we do.
Our goals have been simple and straightforward; our focus has remained the same since we started. That’s because there’s so much more to achieve in terms of creating awareness about the importance of skill-based learning and supporting the evolving ecosystem through consistent efforts in evangelizing and educating every stakeholder.
Skill development and vocational education in India is on the cusp of disruption after more than a decade of sustained efforts in national-level initiatives and many interventions at the state and local level today. Thanks to NEP 2020, we’re going to see many more gradual changes that make the system equitable, flexible and responsive to the complexity of Indian identity.
The way forward…
One of the most intriguing aspects of skilling and vocational education is that no matter which lens you view it from, there’s deep-rooted complexity that’s an amalgam of our mindset, our beliefs and our imagined fears that need to be conquered.
- Will NEP 2020 with its overarching recommendation for vocationalization of education, along with several complementing policy level decisions pave the way for mainstreaming work-based learning?
- How are things going to change for all the present players in the skilling landscape – the training partners, the PIAs, parents, students, youth, job seekers, trainers, teachers, SSCs, schools, and colleges in terms of creating new opportunities to deepen their impact?
- How do we ensure industry participation by acknowledging the informal and unorganized sectors?
Questions such as these could keep crossing our minds and finding answers to these questions will need continuous stakeholder engagement through regular communication. In other words, what we need is – to communicate, connect and catalyse – and that’s precisely the motto of NSN!
NSN Communicate:
To know more about our e-magazine, visit: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/nsn-newsletter-archives/
NSN Connect
To know more about our video initiatives, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFYhw0_R7kw&list=PLTTHQuX3NA1jJ2gsP2ObR4UtZOLR8EjH_
NSN Catalyse
To know more about our workshop, visit: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/workshop/
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