Our weekly news bytes on skill development and vocational training (TVET) provide the big picture of evolving skilling ecosystem in India. The news bytes cover updates from the industry, government, academia, training partners and other stakeholders in the skilling and TVET space. Read further to know about government projects, apprenticeships and job openings. We hope our endeavour adds value to your pursuits in this domain and do let us know your views and suggestions to improve further! Join us in making skills aspirational!
Skill Development and TVET Glossary from NSN: Click here to view and contribute your entries: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/glossary/
Skill development news from the industry
MESC organised Manthan 2019 in collaboration with MHRD: Media and Entertainment Skills Council (MESC) organized Manthan,an academia meet at Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad in collaboration with MHRD. This platform was for the dignitaries to connect, exchange ideas and build relations for career opportunities for the youth. Read more: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/mesc-and-mhrd-announce-new-job-oriented-degree-programs-in-media-and-entertainment-sector-at-manthan-2019/
NASSCOM FutureSkill partnered with Pearson India to provide skill development training to working professionals: NASSCOM FutureSkill has signed a MoU with Pearson India, a digital learning company, to provide skill training to current and future working professionals. This will enable a continuous learning framework leading to skill development through NASSCOM’s FutureSkills platform for reskilling and upskilling employees.
Related article: FutureSkills: A digital initiative by NASSCOM to upskill technology professionals Read more: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/futureskills-a-digital-initiative-by-nasscom-to-upskill-technology-professionals/
Siemens CoE signs MoU with 6 colleges: The Siemens Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Manufacturing has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with six institutions at the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy. The MoU will enable students of these institutions to have access to the centre’s services such as skill development courses, internships and projects.
IHCL to fulfill its commitment towards the industry and society: IHCL, South Asia’s largest hospitality company, runs 14 Skill Development Centers in partnership with Tata Strive to anchor capability-building. It supports several vocational training institutes through this partnership in regions such as J&K, the North-East, UP, and so on.
Request a demo: Digital Certificates to Prove Skills and Capture Jobs of Industry 4.0: Click here to book a meeting or a demo from Certif-ID. https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/digital-certificates-to-prove-skills-and-capture-jobs-of-industry-4-0/
Skill development news from the academia
ITI Nagpur to start first aviation related courses: ITI Nagpur is the first institute to start the aviation related course, aeronautical structure and equipment fitter, following a pact with French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation.
ITIs seek collaboration with industries to bridge the skill gaps in Indore: There are 40 government and 50 private ITIs in Indore and 6000 students are expected to seek admission. ITIs have collaborated with industry to bridge the skill gap and enhance employability. The partnership will engage students of various trades by getting work orders.
Career opportunities in the fitness industry: A massive awareness exercise has been initiated by Mumbai-headquartered K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences in association with basketball player Vijobi Vakkachan to educate the young population of Kerala on career opportunities prevailing in the fitness industry across the globe.
The employability of engineering students to be improved by AICTE: AICTE is going to improve the employability of engineering students with a multi-pronged approach besides empowering them to become entrepreneurs and job creators.
AICTE signs MoU with IIT Guwahati to extend internships for students from Jammu and Kashmir: AICTE and IIT Guwahati have signed a MoU for extending internships to students from Jammu and Kashmir and students studying in AICTE approved institutions across the country under Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme.
Skill development and VET government and non-government projects, apprenticeships and jobs :
Projects: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/skill2jobs/projects/
Skill development news from the states
Andhra Pradesh
Eighth batch of students from Amara Raja Skill Development Centre gets certified: Amara Raja Skill Development Centre (ARSDC)held convocation of its eighth batch of students. The centre awarded 60 students, including 47 boys and 13 girls, at the convocation held at the Mangal Vidyalayam premises at Petamitta, Chittoor District.
High potential for food processing industry In Assam: High potential for food processing industry was highlighted during a workshop In Assam. The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) with Federation of Industry & Commerce of North Eastern Region (FINER) as an industry partner, at Maniram Dewan Trade Centre.
The Government of Odisha approved DPR of Rs 700 crore for nine clusters: The state government sanctioned Rs 700 crore following the approval of detailed project proposal(DPR) for development of nine identified clusters under Rurban Mission.
Tamil Nadu
Vocational training to be provided by government school: Vagarampalayam government school is going to provide vocational training to students from class IX.
Uttar Pradesh
UP girls are sending garments to France and turning fashion entrepreneurs with sewing training: To become fashion entrepreneurs,UP girls used skill development courses. Now the garments stitched by them are selling in France, which is definitely a prestigious thing for any fashion entrepreneur.
Other skill development news
SANKALP to bring positive changes in the ever-evolving skilling landscape: The new SANKALP project can make a positive difference in the evolving skill landscape of India.Currently, the skilling landscape has a plethora of agencies under the MSDE, which attempt to coordinate the different aspects of fulfilling the mammoth task of creating 8.1 million jobs per year.
Skill certificates given to more than 2 million under PMKVY: More than 2 million candidates across the country have been given RPL certificates under the PMKVY to boost to the skill development programme of the government.
$14 million grant for developmental projects in Caribbean was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting with the member states of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. In the meeting he announced a grant of $14 million for developmental projects in Caribbean.
*IMPORTANT: These news bytes are curated and adapted from various sources, if any source has objections or other concerns, please write to us at contact@nationalskillsnetwork.in, giving valid reasons, we will immediately remove the link to your content.
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