FutureSkills, the digital learning platform from NASSCOM, is an industry-driven learning ecosystem. It is the first-ever industry utility for upskilling the IT workforce. Future Skills is meant for IT professionals which will help them to upgrade their skills. With the increased use of technologies, there is a need to realign the approaches of the industry. This platform will ensure that all the needs are fulfilled. As the work of engineers already involves the use of technology to a large extent, the tech industry, in particular, will need to strategically implement FutureSkills which will help to adapt to these changes.
This initiative from NASSCOM will help India accelerates the journey of skilling and achieve its goal of becoming the global talent hub. It facilitates the skilling by inspiring learners to explore, discover and learn. The easy to navigate interface helps the learners to explore the technologies, the jobs in those technologies and the skills required to do those jobs.
Technology courses available on Future Skills
Currently, the platform has 10 emerging technologies, 155+ skills and 70+ job roles in the technology. The new-age technologies which are included in this platform are Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Bigdata Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Cyber Security, 3D printing, Mobile Tech, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing and Blockchain. The user-friendly interface helps you to have a better learning experience. It has a guide which will help you understand the simple interface. You will get daily micro-learning contents from free and open sources. There are paid courses as well from leading training providers from the world. Some of them are Microsoft, Oracle, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Manipal pro learner, MITX, NPTEL and many more. As subject matter experts play a crucial role in helping the workforce of tomorrow, the entire ecosystem of FutureSkill depends on them. They are helping IT professionals to stay relevant as the world changes. These experts bring in domain knowledge in the 10 emerging technologies by providing relevant contents.
How FutureSkills works
Your journey as a learner begins by exploring the platform, where you can search for technologies, job roles yourself. You can follow technology to get daily learning insights. The contents are arranged to show you a description of that job role, through a job role card and the skills required for the job role. There is an option to personalize your learning journey by choosing job role and skills that interest you. You can either take a course and get certified through the hundreds of courses available or follow some learning pathway created by the subject matter experts. The learning goals can be edited anytime you want to ensure that the skills you have chosen, always interest you. You can keep track of your progress on assigned learning paths. The platform has the optional ability to award skill coins, which can be used for course available on FutureSkills marketplace. The ability to like, comment, share and tag build a community learning experience.
FutureSkills is a simple yet powerful platform which can go a long way in future-proofing your career. Join the revolutionary initiative to accelerate your learning journey.
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