The CXO industry summit for Logistics & Supply Chain Sector is going to be organized by Haryana State Rural Livelihoods Mission (HSRLM) during 2nd Week of August 2018 at Panchkula, Haryana. Industry CXO summit is an innovative and interactive platform organised by the Haryana State Rural Livelihoods Mission (HSRLM) to improve its capacity in creating opportunities for employment and training, by engaging industry resources. The summit will cater to both the needs of industry and trainees. It aims to help in bridging the gap between the demand of skills in the industry and the existing skills with the youth of the state. It will provide a common platform to all stakeholders.
HSRLM is the main agency that implements the DDU-GKY scheme under the Ministry of Rural Development in Haryana. Under this scheme, HSRLM has on-boarded 21 Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) and has an overall target of training and placement of 39,330 and 27,590 candidates respectively. Among these, 26055 candidates have been trained and more than 10000 candidates have been placed successfully.
HSRLM is also planning to get an additional training target of 30000 candidates, in addition to the above the existing capacities, for the financial years 2019-21. To reach this target, it will partner with more number of committed and professional PIAs who will help them in achieving it.
DOWNLOAD : Click here to download the details about CXO Summit for Logistics and Supply Chain organised by HSRLM.

Purpose of the summit
The overall purpose of the summit is to produce industry partnerships and provide a platform to assist youth enrolled to gain skills that increase their employability and increase employment in Logistics Sector and facilitate industry to recruit skilled manpower, thereby, creating a win-win situation for both trainees and industry. The specific objectives are as follows: –
- To provide an opportunity to industry players to communicate with the training institutes / PIAs to train youth on specific competencies required by employers through short term courses conducted under the programme.
- To enable youth acquire skills which are industry relevant and make them industry-ready.
- Catalyse the vision of “Make in India”/”Make in Haryana” and “Skill India”/”Skill Haryana”.
- Address the gap between demand for specialist skills and supply of employable human resource in various sectors.
- Improve participation of industry champions in skilling with more speed & scalability.
- Enhance industry-institute participation.
Benefits of this CXO meet for Industry
The benefits envisaged for the industry as a result of the meet are: –
- Regular supply of industry trained and ready to employ human resource.
- Government support for these trainings in various forms.
- Reduced and optimized costs of recruitment and training.
- Collaboration of sector specific entities to partner and grow together.
- Proper utilization of CSR funds in India for skilling of those who were deprived
Benefits of this CXO meet for youth in Haryana
- Skill the youth for employability & employment.
- Access to industry relevant, new age technology.
- Value addition for candidates through industry exposure and industrial visits.
- Free additional experiential training for candidates, specifically through the OJTs.
- Enhanced placement opportunities.
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