NSN Glossary
There are currently 12 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
TVET - Stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training .It is an International Educational term that is applied to certain post - school educational institutes . The UNESCO - UNEVOC organisation defines TVET as a term referring to those aspects of the education , the study of technologies and related sciences , and the acquisition of practical skills ,attitude , understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life . TVET provides job-oriented education and training and uses formal, non-formal and informal learning .TVET is recognised to be a crucial vehicle for social equity, inclusion and sustainable development .
Learn more: https://unevoc.unesco.org/go.php?q=What+is+TVET
Takshashila Portal
Takshashila Portal is an initiative by NSDC under Skill India Mission. The portal is a committed platform towards management of trainers and assessors life-cycle.
The portal would function as the central repository of information concerning development of quality Trainers and Assessors through Sector Skill Councils.Benefits of the portal : Single window access to the information related to trainers’ and assessors’ training calendar, certification process, competency enhancement and learning resources enhance transparency in trainers’ and assessors’ training and certification process highlights SSCs performance in training and certifying trainers and assessors – creating a pool of qualified resources for Skill India Mission Defined entry level requirements for trainers and assessors Enhancing efficiency for the involved stakeholders – SSCs, TPs, Trainers, Assessors, NSDC .
Learn more: https://nsdcindia.org/national-portal-trainers-and-assessors
TASK - Telangana Academy for Skills and Knowledge is a not for profit organization created by Government of Telangana for bringing synergy among institutions of Government, Industry & Academia with an objective of offering quality human resources and services to the industry.TASK grants access to modules for enhancing their technology, personal and organisation skills at highly subsidized rates.
Learn more: https://www.task.telangana.gov.in/
Temp Employee
Temp Employee - Temporary employees are hired to assist employers to meet business demands yet allow the employer to avoid the cost of hiring a regular employee. Sometimes, it is the expectation of the employer that if the temporary employee is successful, the employer will hire the temporary employee.Most frequently, though, hiring temporary employees serves a business purpose for the company and the objective is to hire temps rather than taking on the cost of a regular employee.
THSC - Tourism & Hospitality Skill Council ( THSC), is a Not-for-Profit Organization, registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The Council has been promoted by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Industry Members representing the sector, financially supported by NSDC. The Sector Skill Council is a national level organization with a Government-Industry interface and partnership with stakeholders from industry, labour as well as the academia. It fulfils its purpose essentially when the lead is taken by Industry stakeholders.Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC) which is formed 'By the Industry and For the Industry' to tackle the skilling of large manpower to fulfill the industry requirement plays a crucial role in bridging this ever-growing gap. THSC is mandated to create a robust and sustainable eco-system for skill development in the industry.
Learn more: https://www.thsc.in/
TITP -The Technical Intern Training Program was created to enhance the economic development of countries participating in the program through the generation of new employment opportunities. This is achieved through the internship program (which can be anywhere from one year to a maximum of 5 years) and through On-the-Job Training (OJT).
Course Curriculum includes Japanese language training, Japanese culture training, and sector-specific training as per Japanese requirements.The TITP offers certification on successful completion.Bilateral ties between India and Japan are further strengthened with Technical Intern Training Programme (TITP), an initiative by the Government of Japan to provide technical training to youth from India and other countries. Under this program trainees acquire and master skills of the Japanese industries and professions for a maximum of 5 years.TITP is an extremely prestigious project and their successful placement is a significant achievement for India.
Learn more:https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/skill-india-interns-titp-japan/
TOT - Training of Trainers is a high-level professional learning process for qualified trainers who will be providing training and capacity-building assistance for evidence- based program (EBP) implementation.he TOT engages participants in a comprehensive, multi-day distributive learning process that builds the knowledge and skills required to effectively train educators to deliver evidence-based HIV, STD and/or pregnancy prevention programs for adolescents.
This rigorous 4-day workshop includes advanced training on the science of learning, intensive coaching on effective strategies for engaging adult learners, and targeted instruction and practice in training others to deliver a specific curriculum.
Learn more: https://www.etr.org/ebi/training-ta/types-of-services/training-of-trainers/
Trainee - A person undergoing training for a particular job or profession. trainee is commonly known as an individual taking part in a trainee program or a graduate program within a company after having graduated from university or college.A trainee is an official employee of the firm that is being trained to the job he/she was originally hired for. Literally an employee in training. Trainee programs and graduate programs are arranged by private companies and public sector employers where the trainee is offered the possibility to take part 6 to 20 months training programs. During the duration of these programs the trainee is expected to receive a salary as well as is expected to have a full-time employment awaiting in the company when the program is over.The trainee programs most often consist of a combination of theory and practice and is aimed at having the trainee to learn the company from the ground up. Many trainees are able to take advantage of their contact network from the trainee program and climb the corporate ladder and become key individuals in many companies.
Many companies around the world organise trainee programs. Learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trainee
Many companies around the world organise trainee programs. Learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trainee
TSC - Textile Sector Skill Council is a non-profit organisation, having license under Section 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013 registered under Companies Act 2013. Textile Sector Skill Council has been recognised by National Skill Development Corporation, founded by Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. TSC will develop a skilled workforce for the textile industry through setting curriculum for training and accreditation of trade competency. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) approved Textile Sector Skill Council (TSC) for development of skill in spinning, weaving, processing and handloom sectors of the textile industry. TSC has been implementing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) projects in different locations in India to recognize informal learning in textile and handloom industry.
Learn more: http://texskill.in/
TSSC - The Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC) is committed to develop world class skilled manpower for the Indian Telecom industry. Founded in 2013, TSSC is a non profit organization set up with the financial support of NSDC through Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Industry Associations. It strives to create a viable ecosystem by narrowing the existing gap between demand and supply of skills, increased collaboration between the three primary stakeholders i.e. HR, Industry and academia, facilitating Training the Trainer, developing necessary frameworks for standards, curriculum and quality assurance at all levels in vocational / technical programs to meet the needs of the industry and taking part in regional and international vocational telecom sector development initiatives.
Learn more: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/telecom-sector-skill-council-tssc/
TURNOVER - Turnover is an accounting term that calculates how quickly a business collects cash from accounts receivable or how fast the company sells its inventory. In the investment industry, turnover is defined as the percentage of a portfolio that is sold in a particular month or year. A quick turnover rate generates more commissions for trades placed by a broker.
Learn more: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/turnover.asp
TVET - Stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training .It is an International Educational term that is applied to certain post - school educational institutes . The UNESCO - UNEVOC organisation defines TVET as a term referring to those aspects of the education , the study of technologies and related sciences , and the acquisition of practical skills ,attitude , understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life .
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