NSN Glossary
There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter K.
KAB-Know about business- ILO.A training methodology to create awareness about entrepreneurship among youth, in use since the 1990s.For whom?
● Immediate beneficiaries: Teachers in general secondary education, trainers in vocational and technical training institutions, and higher education professors trained to deliver KAB course content and certified as KAB national facilitators
● Ultimate beneficiaries: Young women and men enrolled in schools, training institutions and higher education
For what purpose?
To strengthen the capacities of governments and tripartite constituents in providing entrepreneurship education to reduce youth unemployment:
Mainly to:
● Develop positive attitudes towards sustainable enterprises, self-employment and social entrepreneurship
● Create awareness about working in enterprises and about self-employment as a career option for young people
● Provide knowledge about the desirable attributes for
starting and operating a successful enterprise
● Prepare students to become better employees through
improved understanding of business and stronger positive
and adaptive behavioural attitudes.
Government of Kerala has set up Kerala Academy for Skills Excellence (KASE), a non‐profit company as the nodal agency for facilitating and coordinating various skill development initiatives of the state.It has been set up with the objective of skilling the young workforce of Kerala and elevating their skills to global standards for employment in India and abroad.It is incorporated to pursue its main objectives to promote, establish, setup, monitor, govern and regulate institutions and academies for skills excellence for development of core employability skills, competency standards and for promoting technology that meets the demands of various industries globally.
Learn more http://www.kase.in/
Kaushal Mart
Kaushal Mart
Ensuring that skilling resources and reference material are readily available to skill seekers through verified content providers has been a constant challenge in India’s skill Ecosystem.
Kaushal Mart shall be expanded as a Skilling Resource Marketplace offering a credible platform for exchange of skilling resources of different kinds. They include Participant Handbooks, Facilitator Guides, Presentations, Videos, amongst others. NSDC is develop ing an enabling an environment for all its stakeholders, by acting as a content aggregator, through this Skilling Resource Marketplace.Content and resource material for over 1400 QPs shall be developed over 6 years.
KVK - Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), an agricultural extension center in India is usually associated with a local agricultural university. The KVK centres serve as the ultimate link between farmers and Indian Council of Agricultural Research. KVKs attempt to apply agricultural research in a localized manner. KVKs come under the jurisdiction of any one of the 11 ATARIs (Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes).
Learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishi_Vigyan_Kendra
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