Welding is at the heart of any industrial and manufacturing sector. These sectors are the cornerstones of building any country’s economy and paving the way towards development.
Tools, equipment, structures, and resources used by industries would not exist without welding. Today, welding is applied to a variety of materials and products in a number of industries using advanced welding technologies. This has also increased the demand for skilled welders and other welding professionals who can cater to the growing industry needs.
Therefore, in this article, we present to you how important is welding in different industries and manufacturing sectors, the skills required by welders, welding training, and career opportunities in the field of welding.
Welding in Shipbuilding Industry
Welding is an integral part of the shipbuilding industry. Shipping containers and huge structures will not be able to operate efficiently and as safely as they do without proper welding. The giant ships would need hundreds of joints to make them water-tight and oil-tight, and to make them sail smoothly over the waters.
To protect the ship structure, the welding process should be performed by qualified welders and controlled efficiently by the quality control engineers and Classification Societies. All welders should have a certificate and the procedures should be prepared in the shipyards.
Welding in shipbuilding is said to gain more importance in the future. Most of the world’s shipping fleet will be reaching a point where vessels can no longer be practically or economically maintained as sea-worthy. A relative stagnation in demand for new ships is being revived by the requirement for replacement vessels.
You can learn more about the Maritime welding technology programme, skills required by a shipyard welder, and career opportunities in this field here – https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/welding-in-shipbuilding-skills-training-and-careers/
Welding in Construction Industry
Wherever metal is used within the construction of buildings, bridges, or within the development of engineering projects, there welding finds its importance. Construction comprises building residential structures and many other large infrastructure and industrial structures. Welding in the construction industry is an essential part as the industry uses a large number of metals to hold the structures intact.
Structural integrity and durability are the most important considerations in the construction industry. Therefore, the joining strength and quality of the weld joints play a very important role.
Let us delve into understanding the role of welding in the construction industry, the skills required, career opportunities along with some challenges – https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/welding-in-the-construction-industry-skills-careers-and-challenges/
Learn what’s new in the field of welding from the industry leader – Fronius India on skills, training, and education – https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/fronius/
Welding in Automotive Industry
Hundreds of vehicles we see every day have several welds underneath. Welding in the automotive industry is extremely crucial as it is directly related to the safety of passengers. Apart from safety, clean and strong welds are an important part of a vehicle as it improves its appearance and reliability.
Automotive welding requires highly skilled welders to perform various welds, to fix cracked vehicle panels, damaged fenders, welding exhaust on cars or rusted metal, etc. The automotive industry is using welding robots more than ever before. However, the automotive industry still needs skilled welders to work on specialized welding and to handle and supervise the welding robots. Skilled welders are needed to set the right parameters on the robots to ensure correct penetration and weld quality.
Let us explore skills, careers, technology, and safety tools and equipment in automotive welding – https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/welding-in-automotive-industry-skills-training-and-careers/
Welding in Oil and Gas Industry
The oil and gas industry in India ranks amongst India’s eight core industries. It is extremely crucial in the global energy supply. And welding is an integral part of the oil and gas industry. Welding is one of the most important technologies and processes that help in the efficient functioning of this industry.
From building pipelines to working on rigs and operating in the oil fields, the oil and gas industry needs highly skilled welding professionals.
Let us understand the role of welding in the oil and gas industry, the skills required, careers, tools, and safety gear along with some challenges – https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/welding-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry-skills-careers-and-challenges/
If you wish to get in touch with Fronius India, you may reach out to them at – Sales.india@fronius.com or Marketing.india@fronius.com.
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