We at NSN are delighted to launch the first edition of the PDF version of our e-magazine Skill Times from NSN. In this PDF version of Skill Times from NSN you’ll get to read interesting stories and articles on impactful skilling, interviews of the stakeholders, news updates from the skill development ecosystem and videos on skill training, education and others.
On the occasion of launching the first edition of the PDF version of Skill Times from NSN, Dr. Madhuri Dubey, Founder, NSN, said, “As we strive towards creating equitable opportunities for youth through education and skilling, we are faced with the arduous task of building robust systems and replicable frameworks. Considering the complex nature of issues involved in implementing any scheme or program, the need to connect and learn from different organizations becomes imperative.
Our efforts are dedicated to enabling interactions among key stakeholders to enrich the discourse and strengthen the evolving skilling ecosystem in India that complements mainstream education. The first edition of the PDF version of Skill Times from NSN is a step towards filling a void in qualitative communication and advocacy through stories of successful program implementation, emerging technologies and innovative practices and the latest updates. We are excited to feature our learning and research as well, as we continue to explore, discover and disseminate to keep up to expectations – both yours and ours!”.
The contents of the first edition of the PDF version of Skill Times from NSN are:
- Tata STRIVE’s impactful skilling in Odisha – Transforming one ITI at a time
- Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Jharkhand
- Meet the winners of the Fronius India Aspirant Welding Engineer Competition 2021
- Top 5 technologies to learn for a lucrative career in 2022
- Issuing blockchain certificates for online courses is a game-changer
- NTTF’s diploma with multi entry-exit option- Now complete your diploma at your convenience!
- Skill Universities in India: Everything you wanted to know about!
Download the PDF version of Skill Times from NSN here.
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