Last two weeks have been significant in reinforcing the spirit of sports and freedom as the Rio Olympics and our Independence Day coincided. We, at NSN, celebrated both the events with an Exclusive Edition of Skill Times newsletter with Skill Talks and Skill Stories from leaders in the industry. We hope you enjoyed reading them. It’s time again to catch up with developments on the skilling front. Here’s updating you with the next edition of skill development news digest 150816.
News from the states
- Assam: MANAS to offer skill development training to minority communities in trades like computer training, beauty and wellness, telecom, tourism and hospitality, gems and jewellery, textile and handloom, agriculture, apparel making and home furnishing etc. Candidates can also avail loans for self-employment through the National Minority Development and Finance Corporation.
- Delhi: Huawei India and SOS children’s village join hands for CSR partnership program “Daksha” to support child education welfare.
- Jharkhand: Joining hands with PanIIT, the government plans to launch Prejha foundation to initiate skill development and substitute Gurukul model of schooling.
- Karnataka: The government has initiated a department of skill development to boost trained manpower needs of the sectors including pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors to ensure quality skilling among youth.
- Kerala: Agricultural training and seminars to handle chemicals and other supplements conducted for jail inmates.
- Maharashtra: Mercedez-Benz opens auto body repair training center to focus on automotive crash repair and automotive body structure. 2. Millionlights, an education content provider launched first Indian TV channel on skill development in Pune, to deliver courses for certification and employability.
- Madhya Pradesh: MSME Tool Room Indore signed an MoU with Centre for Research & Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP) to enhance business opportunities and to create innovative training program by sharing advanced equipment available with both the organizations.
- Nagaland: The CSTARI and the MSDE, in collaboration with the government of Nagaland organized a one-day meeting of stakeholders for Handloom & Handicraft sector for the north -eastern states.
- Tamil Nadu: 1. A training program on fish products and packaging was conducted to equip users of fish kiosks in different ways of fish processing and value addition to fish and fishery products. A demonstration on the preparation of plant fertilizer from the fish processing waste was also held as part of the program. 2. Yamaha opens its 25th training school to train youth in automobile sector.
- Telangana: TalentSprint appoints three new members into the leadership team.
- Uttar Pradesh: The government has signed an MoU with Lava International to train unemployed youth in technical and professional skills to help them get jobs.
- West Bengal: 1. Architects, Builders, Interior Designers and Dealers (ABID) with the help of several national agencies has provided training to around 800 unskilled carpenters, finishers and site supervisors. 2. Government aims to conduct regular training sessions and seminars to train more people to become solar technicians in the state.
News from the industry sectors
- Telecom: Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC), under NSDC, is working towards narrowing the demand and supply gap for skilled manpower in the sector for Department of Telecom (DoT).
- Leather: The sector skill has initiated several sub schemes like IDLS, Support to Artisan scheme and many more. Assistance will be provided for placement linked skill development training to unemployed persons.
- Automobile: Mercedes Benz opens training Centre aimed at equipping youngsters with advanced technical skillsets.
- Handloom: Skill up-gradation training in the areas of weaving, designing, dyeing/printing, managerial functions and use of technology in handiworks was held in the North Eastern region of India.
- Hospitality: Digital mediums and platforms introduced to strengthen the bonds and communication between industry giants and stakeholders.
News from the central government
- The government plans to impart training to 40 crore people in the next few years under the ‘Skill India’ initiative to meet its requirement of skilled labor.
- Prime Minster aims to bring high end machinery into the country for faster and efficient training and manufacturing as training institutes find it hard to train people from scratch.
- The National Action Plan for Skill Training of Persons with Disabilities launched in 2015 aims to skill 5 lakh persons with disabilities by 2018. The objective is to create a momentum where job market becomes open to all.
- Oracle and SBI volunteers will help enhance IT literacy among high school students, teachers and parents from over 100 SBI-supported government schools through an initiative called Digital Kushalta ki Aur.
The news is compiled from different sources by Team-NSN.
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