Here are some key News Bytes covering various happenings and updates in the industry, government and other stakeholders in the skilling and VET space. This also includes business and job opportunities from government and private organizations. The News Bytes curated and adapted from various sources* with the sole objective of keeping our readers informed about the evolving skills industry in India and how they can be a part of it.
News from the industry
Daikin India opening its 3rd manufacturing facility and growing its sales: Daikin India is opening its third manufacturing facility in the south. It is using the Make in India initiative to dominate the Indian market with locally tailored products.
Pluralsight and Google Cloud partner for Skill Development in Cloud technologies: Pluralsight, Inc. is partnering with Google Cloud to provide enterprise companies an on-demand, role-based approach to skill development on Google Cloud technologies. It is already partnering to reskill developers in India and Africa, the companies are now joining forces to increase Google Cloud expertise worldwide.
CREDAI to launch skill training programmes in real estate: CREDAI will launch customized industry-partnered skilling programmes for one lakh workers. The programmes will help in creating a talent pool of skilled labour for the real estate industry.
Eduvanz Financing has raised INR 13 crore from Unitus Ventures and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation for skills training: About 70% of unemployed youth in Indian cite lack of financial assistance as the biggest obstacle in enrolling for vocational or skill development courses. Eduvanz Financing provides them with limited access to credit or new-to-credit with timely financial access at affordable interest rates.
Findings of the Global Vocational Training Market Research Report 2019 : According to a report, over the next five years the Vocational Training market will register a 9.8% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach US$ 48200 million by 2024. The key players in the industry include Adobe Systems Articulate Global, Assima, Bit Media, Career Education, Cegos, Cisco Systems, City & Guilds Kineo, Desire2Learn, Fischer,Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IMC, Inspired ELearning, International Business, Machines(IBM), IntraLearn Software, KnowledgePool, Lumesse, Microsoft, Knoblauch etc.
Apprenticeships in government and public sector
BEL to hire 150 apprentices: Bharat Electronics Limited, has proposed to take 150 ITI trade apprentices training under the apprenticeship Act, for one year for its Ghaziabad unit.
IGCAR Kalpakkam announced recruitment for 130 apprentices: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of of India, has notified the recruitment of 130 Trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act.
CSR and skill development news
NASSCOM Foundation organises CSR Conference where importance of STEM education highlighted
NASSCOM Foundation hosted Technology industry specific CSR Conference in partnership with ICICI Foundation. The role of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in education was discussed in its panel discussion.
NSTI holds event for trainees: National Skill Training Institute Ludhiana organised ‘Trainees Inspirational Day’ where the young trainees got a chance to get together and interact with their seniors.
Vocational courses provided by CBSE may help in launching careers: CBSE has introduced as many as 42 vocational courses at higher secondary level, and 17 of them at secondary levels. Students now have greater flexibility to choose skill courses right from school level.
3 schools in Aurangabad to have Application-based curriculum: Three of the Marathi medium schools in Aurangabad have been affiliated to the Maharashtra International Education Board. This board was rolled out last year by the state government and imparts innovative and application-based learning based on international curricula.
News from the States
Jammu and Kashmir
First-ever Youth Skill Development Training Programme inaugurated in Srinagar: A first of its kind training programme was organised by State Legal Services Authority and J&K State Mission Directorate, ICPS in collaboration with Primero Skill Development and Training Ltd. This programme called ‘Mai Honhaar Hun’- ‘I am Skilled’ witnessed a large number of children participating, hailing from adjoining areas who took keen interest in the skill training.
“Skill Promoting Brand of Kerala” award goes to ULCCS again: Kerala based labor cooperative- Uralungal Labor Contract Cooperative Society has once again won the “Skill Promoting Brand of Kerala” award at the Future Kerala Brand Awards, 2018. The chairman announced that ULCCS plans to create 25,000 jobs in the IT sector by 2025.
Frankfinn awarded ‘Outstanding Contribution in Cabin Crew Training’: Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training was felicitated for ‘Outstanding Contribution in Cabin Crew Training’ at New Delhi.
Other news
Studies confirm 90% of Indian engineers lack key skills for jobs: According to a report only 10% of IT engineering graduates in India have the adequate skills required for jobs, this was stated by Narayana Murthy from Infosys in 2018.
Scholarship for Women in Science & Engineering launched by Sulzer: Sulzer has launched the “Sulzer Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering” for female students who are studying for degrees in the areas of engineering, technology and science. This aims to support and increase the participation of women in the engineering industry.
According to a youth delegate India has the world’s 2nd largest start-up ecosystem: A youth delegate at the UN said India has the second largest start-up ecosystem in the world. The median age of founders of these enterprises is only 31 years. Youth in India are also forging new alliances and partnerships across the government, civil society, business and academia which are critical for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
*IMPORTANT: These news bytes are curated and adapted from various sources, if any source has objections or other concerns, please write to us at, giving valid reasons, we will immediately remove the link to your content.
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