Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC), is a Sector Skill Council for the rubber sector set up by the All India Rubber Industries Association & Automotive Tyre Manufacturer’s Association in Collaboration with NSDC. It focusses on skill development & training needs of the rubber sector. It has been formed to address the gap that exists between the demand and availability of skilled resources in the rubber industry. RSDC has been implementing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) projects in different locations in India to recognize informal learning in rubber industry*. Let’s get to know about some of them.
RSDC’s key objectives are to conducting research, ensure quality products and improve delivery mechanisms for skilling and up-skilling professionals in the rubber sector.
RSDC’s vision is to:
- Reducing skill gaps
- Identifying and fulfilling skill development requirements in the Rubber industry
- Providing employment opportunities to the youth of our country
- Creating career path in different roles existing in the rubber industry and ensuring active participation in the industry for skilled manpower and reskilling of the entire workforce.
Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC) has conducted the following RPL training and certification:
- 10,300 trainings in Kerala for Natural Rubber by Rubber Board of India
- 3,050 trainings in Tamil Nadu for Natural Rubber
- 3,300 trainings in Punjab for Manufacturing sub sector
How the candidates have benefitted from RPL training and certification:
Abuthahir M, Compressed Moulding Operator, Bhargave Rubber Pvt Ltd, Tamil Nadu
Abuthahir belongs to a middle class family and his father is a farmer. He wanted a job so he could support his family. He joined a training program in the rubber sector under the PMKVY for the Compressed Moulder Operator and after successfully completing it he got a job in a reputed organization. Today he is a proud earning member of his family.
Goutam Majumdar, Rubber Nursery General Worker, Aurobindo Rubber Producer Society, Tripura
Goutam Majumder completed his graduation from Tripura University but because of financial problems could not study further. As he was the only son the responsibility of running the family fell on him. He was not successful in securing a job as he was falling short of the eligibility requirements. Then he came to know about the PMKY scheme and since a huge part of his village was under rubber plantation he acquired training to become a Rubber Nursery General worker under RSDC. After completing the training he has a steady job and is very happy as he is able to support his family.
(* All the numbers mentioned in this article are indicative of the RPL achievements till March – April 2017)
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