“Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit 2019: The Future of Work and Learning” is a two-day summit where 200+ educators, design thinkers, entrepreneurs, government officials, technologists and CSR executives will come together to explore the future of work and learning. This year, the summit will focus on topics like reform of the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), inclusive equitable education for lifelong learning and the role gender plays here, AI and new transformations in the world of work, progress from training to workplace, and trends in future opportunities.
Conference Objectives
- Dig deeper into what the future of work holds, and what implications that has in the context of classroom learning, the methodologies and tools adopted by educators, and the skills learners need to master
- Encourage joined-up thinking in the approach to the education-skills divide, based on the understanding of the future of work
- Go beyond statistics on the effects of automation and technological change, and begin to think about specific impacts on different populations, especially traditionally marginalized groups
- Create dialogue around systems thinking and systems change to understand what it takes to work with complex systems to bring about long-term sustainable change
- If the classroom mirrors our world, and our world mirrors what happens in our classrooms, how do we un-build the walls, including the dynamics of gender, that impact the way we build and sustain relationships and collaborations, as young people embark on their professional journeys?
- Meet and listen to curious learners, as they seek out projects, identify supporters and apply lessons from one experience to the next
Register now! https://in.explara.com/e/quest-2-learn-annual-summit-2019 To know more about the summit, visit: http://www.quest2learn.net/
Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit 2019: The Future of Work and Learning
Date and venue:
July 25, 2019 09:00 AM – July 26, 2019 05:30 PM
Bangalore International Centre (BIC)
No. 7, 4th Main Road Stage 2, Domlur, Bengaluru
Tentative Schedule:
Speakers and topics on Day 1: Thursday, 25th July 2019
- The Future of Work and Learning
Aakash Sethi, CEO, Quest Alliance,
- Challenges & Opportunities in Lifelong Learning for Inclusion & Equity
Dr. Anantha Duraiappah, Director, UNESCO MGIEP
- Experiences from Digital Career Platforms
- Panel – Trends and Implications of the Future of Work in India
- Panel – What Women Want
Speakers and topics on Day 2: Friday, 26th July 2019
- Keynote + Panel
Levers for Systems Change and Reform in ITI for 21st Century Skills - Scratching the surface (by girls from government secondary schools)
- Trainer Recognition
- Parallel Track 1: Constructing Curriculum for those Beyond Margins
- Parallel Track 2: Reimagine Problem-Solving in Organisations Through Design Thinking
- Parallel Track 3: Building Online Professional Development Experiences for Educators
- Parallel Track 4: Coding and Making as New Literacies
- Panel – Being Less Artificial and More Intelligent
Accenture, Cisco, LinkedIn, National Skills Network – NSN, JP Morgan, Dasra, MGIEB, IBM, Tandem Research, AVPN, Vibha, IKEA Foundation and UNESCO.
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