PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) is organizing an Online National Meeting-cum-Workshop on “Alignment of Vocational Education from Secondary to Higher Education” to be held on 18th and 19th January 2022.
This event focuses on deliberating the various challenges and issues related to horizontal and vertical mobility of vocational students and actions to be taken for implementation of the recommendations of National Education Policy 2020 about vocational education.
To know more about the workshop, please visit – Online National Meeting-cum-Workshop on “Alignment of Vocational Education from Secondary
All you need to know about the workshop by PSSCIVE
Date of the workshop – 18th – 19th January, 2022
Link to join Zoom Video Conferencing-
Meeting ID: 928 1750 3859
Passcode: 061788
Link for Registration –
Main objectives of the National Meeting-cum-Workshop
As per the recommendations in the NEP-2020, there is a need to align vocational education in school education to higher education. School and higher education need to collaborate for this alignment.
The government need to focus on revamping the vocational education and training system as technology-based skills among the youth have become more essential than ever.
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 focuses on bringing vocational education into mainstream education.
- Vocational education will be integrated into all school and higher education institutions in a phased manner over the next decade
- Vocational pass-out students of schools can enter vocational courses offered by Schools, Industrial Training Institutes, Polytechnics, and higher education, including Bachelor of Vocational Education (B. Voc).
Here is the main objective behind the workshop,
- Provide a platform for the exchange of information regarding vocational courses implemented at School and Higher Education.
- Explore the career opportunities in industries and deliberate upon the implementation of vocational courses to reduce the mismatch between demand and supply of skilled manpower.
- Identify the issues related to vertical and horizontal mobility of vocational students and recommend strategies for promoting mobility to higher education institutions
- provide strategic directions for introducing bridge courses and other vocational courses to align school education with higher education.
In India, one of the most significant problems is to establish vertical progression in vocational education so that school-aged kids can enrol in vocational courses given by Industrial Training Institutes, Polytechnics, and higher education institutions, such as Bachelor of Vocational Education (B. Voc.). More opportunities for vertical mobility should be created, such as Diploma and B. Voc. courses in higher education institutions and universities. This will make it easier for students to pursue higher education in occupational fields.
PSSCIVE, through the two-day-long workshop, aims to address all the challenges and queries related to vocational education in India.
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