Testing and professional certification has a crucial role to play in skill development and education. Prometric is a leading provider of technology-enabled testing and assessment solutions. They support more than 7 million test takers annually at their testing locations in more than 160 countries around the world. To know more about their solutions in the testing and assessments domain, Team NSN interacted with Soumitra Roy, General Manager, Prometric India & SAARC. Let’s read on…
Q. Prometric being a global testing services provider, how do the products cater to the needs of skilling, reskilling and continuous learning programs?
A: Prometric offers testing organizations and individual test takers access to professional certification, licensure, and educational assessments that support people’s goals to further their academic studies or advance in their professional careers. We operate a global network of more than 14,000 in-person testing locations in 180 countries, including computer- and paper-based administrations. We also have proven on-line testing solutions for remotely-proctored and unproctored test delivery. We cater to skilling and reskilling programs as well.
We also support the administration of practical examinations, where professionals have to demonstrate mastery of skills, beyond cognitive skills tests. We tailor our solutions to the needs of each individual client.
Q. With the given challenges of Covid 19, various organizations have undergone process changes. In this light, could you tell us how current organization requirements are being met?
A: Prometric has global reach and capability, which has allowed us to respond quickly and effectively to the changing landscape created by the global pandemic. As the scale and impact of the pandemic became apparent, we took swift action to limit the spread of the virus by closing our in-person testing locations and corporate office locations. We leveraged our technical capabilities and infrastructure to enable our global workforce to work from home.
As conditions allow, we have begun the process of resuming testing where it is safe to do so and in compliance with local governmental policies. This includes implementing enhanced operational processes to acknowledge social distancing requirements and best practices for the safety and well-being of test takers and employees. We have also accelerated the adoption of online remote assessment delivery for a growing number of clients.
Q. Globally, with a diverse set of customers, in the present situation, what obstacles are being faced and how equipped is Prometric in handling them.
A: Our global client base has always been a source of strength for Prometric, as we collaborate with leading organizations in many industries and geographies to identify and apply best practices for assessment administration. As we respond to the evolving pandemic and work through operational-based obstacles, we continue to work closely with these partners to share timely, transparent information that benefits our mutual test takers. This includes the timing and pace of resumption of in-person testing, the development of new feature functionality for our various delivery models, and joint communication to numerous stakeholders.
Q. What are the various testing solutions being provided to varied customers? How robust are the systems that help assess an individual?
A: As a global leader with more than 30 years of experience, Prometric has developed assessment solutions and capabilities to meet the dynamic needs of educational, licensure and certification bodies across nearly every industry. Our test delivery software is intuitive and easy-to-use, and is designed for multi-modal delivery – on a computer, laptop, or mobile device. Our solutions also provide test takers with convenient self-service access to find program information or to book an exam appointment. Test sponsors also have ready access to a robust set of real-time program data, supporting improved business decision-making.
Q. In the education space, most of the Universities have moved to online proctored assessments structure and this might continue to be the trend for some time. Please share your opinion on how Prometric is playing a big role.
A: While the education sector was an early adopter of remote assessment capabilities, leading organizations in every industry are evaluating the current marketplace for remotely-proctored tests and determining the fit for their business needs. Prometric is proud to be able to work with many of these organizations, demonstrating how our ProProctor remote assessment solution can provide the secure, reliable exam administration experience for test takers no matter where they test.
We continue to make significant investment in this solution, ensuring that our technologies support advanced delivery requirements; while our trained, certified live proctors provide the individualized service people expect and appreciate. We believe these advancements will support delivery anywhere in the future—in-center or at home.
Q. Please share some of your best practices or models for the benefit of the testing community, perhaps, to develop exams that comply with professional standards?
A: Sound test development and psychometric practices are essential for the creation and ongoing maintenance of a reliable assessment program. It is critically important that test sponsors adopt best practices across the range of the test development process—from starting with the job analysis and development of the test blueprint, to item creation and editing, and test form construction. Applying robust processes aligned to established industry standards ensures that the tests administered will be fair and serve as a valid indicator of individual knowledge or competence. A rigorous post-examination analysis for test items, forms, or the entire test bank will also provide valuable insight into performance, and is a crucial tool in the iterative process of test development.
Q. Could you tell us about your collaboration with subject-matter experts and organizations to develop various test programs?
A: Prometric collaborates with many of the world’s leading credentialing and licensing organizations to develop and administer effective and reliable assessment programs that support our clients’ strategic objectives. The range of collaboration spans from test development consultation and support, through administration and program analysis. We have expertise and experience in all facets of assessment program management, and recruit, train, and manage subject matter experts to support item and test creation.
Also read: Importance of Communication Skills in a Borderless Economy https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/importance-of-communication-skills-in-a-borderless-economy/
We develop and maintain a global network of consistent, professional in-person testing locations, including the ability to administer secure examinations at occasional pop-up locations to meet peak testing demand. We leverage our global presence to provide customized test-taker customer service on behalf of our test sponsors, and we provide consultation to organizations seeking entrance into new and emerging markets.
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