Driving ‘The People’s Agenda’, The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has been impacting millions of lives for over the past few decades, through its skill development initiatives which have been serving as a bedrock for skilling has helped establish some key milestones, which served as critical pillars for ‘Skill India’ mission.
CII with the support of the Industry, Central, and State Governments, has established Model Career Centres (CII MCC), an industry-led facilitation centres to link the aspiring youth and job seekers with Job and Career opportunities.
CII MCCsprovide career assessment, career counseling, skills upgradation, and placement/internship opportunities to the youth. It acts as a reservoir of the skilled talent pool and helps in increasing employability.
To generate livelihood, currently, there are 37 CII MCCs operational across India – Gurugram, Mumbai, Chennai, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Jamshedpur, Rewa, Bareilly, Sindhudurg, Balarampur (Cgh), 27 Aspirational Districts with NITI Aayog and 29 YES Kendras in Karnataka.
Each MCC impacts over 3,000 candidates per annum and help them to choose appropriate career options and get a decent placement opportunity. CII leverages its employer connect to undertake placement activities at CII MCCs. This is making a deep social impact while meeting the industry’s manpower requirements. The CII MCCs have career counseled over 4.21 lakh youth and provided Employment to 1.35 lakh job seekers.
CII MCCs through multi-pronged strategy has been constantly increasing awareness amongst the various stakeholders like skill training institutes, assessment bodies, schools and colleges, district administration, local community leaders, Government Departments and the public in general about the services available.
CII acknowledges the fact that the current demographic mix with a significant youth bulge requires the creation of sustainable livelihood opportunities and promotion of entrepreneurship with a sharp focus on emerging job roles. The endeavor is to ensure the skills ecosystem should not only cater to the existing industry requirements but should have a definite room for continuous reskilling and upskilling.
CII understands one of the main challenges faced by the Industry today is sourcing talent, particularly at the base/frontline/entry-level.
Related Article: Skill development: Industry perspective from CII Skill East 2019 Summit – Read More: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/skill-development-industry-perspective-from-cii-skill-east-2019-summit/
CII ApnaJob app
CII MCCs has been able to provide valuable service to the industry by reducing the cost of hiring and at the same time making a social impact on the youth of the country and is now ready to scale-up the initiative with the addition of a digital platform CII ApnaJob. This has increased the out-reach to job seekers and the hiring for the industry has been made even easier and smooth with access to job seekers from across India.
The ApnaJob app is simple, easy to use with a real-time status update on a job application, interview, and placements for the job seekers. Similarly, the app for the employer is user friendly and provides the opportunity to post jobs, check the status of the applications, interview, offer letters to successful candidates. Then there is a job fair module for mass recruitment and hirings too.
The focus now is to cater to e-commerce, Logistics, BPO, Healthcare industry, where the requirements are large in numbers and we are trying to reach out to the job seekers through the District Administration in enabling the people stranded in the shelter homes some earning opportunity.
CII MCCs have been catering to the current challenges through its many services both physically and online support. The institutions /industry can get in touch through mail “nirmalya.ciimcc@apnajob.com” for more information or any query.
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