Training is definitely not the same as teaching. While teaching has always been associated with the ‘knowledge component’ learnt through academic interventions, training focuses on the ‘application of knowledge’ through skill-based interventions and other intellectual, manual and hands-on ways of perfecting learning. Hence, training is synonymous with learning for precision and performance to accomplish specialised tasks in a wide range of job roles.
However, training also combines the process of teaching and there are many more attributes of a trainer that make them effective in their profession. Effective training is all about balancing the ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ parts of learning through real-life examples, real-workplace exposure and a vision for self-discovery. How do successful trainers and master trainers accomplish these goals? Aren’t they multi-skilled? Aren’t they multi-tasking? Let’s find out more!
Here’s a quick recap of seven habits associated with many successful trainers and master trainers who facilitate acquisition of new skills and knowledge for better employment, employability and entrepreneurship. Let’s look at the 7 habits of highly effective trainers and master trainers that can positively influence and impact skill development and employability training in India.
Practically inclined
They are almost always looking for practical application of theoretical knowledge by showing the learners how knowledge helps in solving a problem or improving an existing condition. This brings in the emphasis on intellectual and manual skills and actual hands-on learning. These trainers and master trainers keep updating themselves with developments the industry sectors; the workplace and the emerging job roles and use this information while designing and delivering training.
Believe in continuous learning
They don’t stop after acquiring a degree, a certificate or a diploma. They strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process and it becomes a habit. They don’t wait for formal learning or training but seek various informal avenues of updating knowledge and skills through professional interactions. They are self-driven and passionate about making a difference in society through their subject expertise and pedagogic excellence.
Connect with the learners
They care for the learners and try to connect with them in many ways. This could be through continuous engagement in the classroom or lab to know more about the problems faced by the learners. They empathize with genuine learner cases and help them succeed through positive reinforcement. Particularly in the case of dropouts and learners from underprivileged sections, they go an extra mile to boost their confidence and help them come up in life.
Facilitate learning
They don’t perceive training as just about covering the syllabus; take up many roles such as a coach, a mentor and a guide while training their students. They see themselves in the role of facilitators which involves inspiring the learners, understanding their learning process and helping them perform well not only in assessments but also at the workplace. For them, the process of training is an opportunity to open up the vast corridors of learning, knowing and performing for their learners.
Focus on outcomes
They never lose their sight from the goals and outcomes of training. This makes them plan well in advance, take a proactive approach in solving problems and make sure that their training is effective. And while achieving the outcomes, they follow high standards of quality, consistency and efficiency. They manage their time in productive ways and ensure that their training sessions are aligned to expected goals in terms of performance and productivity enhancement.
Understand the big picture
They don’t see training as a one-time event. They put training in larger perspective and connect it with long-term goals, agenda and the cause it supports. This makes them well-aware of several hindrances at the level of the system and policy and tries to rectify these issues with small interventions at the personal or institutional level. Gradually, their reflective shared becomes a valuable input for making policy level changes and other improvements in the training and skill development space.
Embrace technology
They make friends with technology and latest tools because they know the value of technology in reaching more people in cost effective ways. In fact, they experiment with mobile devices and many online learning tools by integrating them with the traditional way of teaching in the classroom. The come up with innovative ways of using technology in and outside the classroom and never perceive technology as threat to their role!
The above seven habits are a gist of skills and abilities successful trainers and master trainers have been using for years. Are there other skills and abilities that you would like to add? Do let me know by sharing your experience and expertise!
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