Did you know that you can now simultaneously enrol in two full-time degree programs? Yes, you read that right. A student can now pursue two degree programs at the same time, either from the same university or two different universities or one degree program from India and the other from a foreign university. The two degrees can be in different fields of study or in the same field.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) advised starting a physical dual degree program from the academic year 2022–23 and allowed academic partnerships between Indian and foreign colleges to make it easier for Indian students to study at foreign universities and earn a degree.
Now, as the UGC approved the option to pursue two degrees simultaneously, why not choose a vocational degree as one of the two degrees? This is a great opportunity to ensure you are employable through work-integrated learning as well as acquire academic qualifications.
When we talk about Vocational Degrees, there are many different degree programs under the Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc), in various streams that are offered by several institutions and skill universities.
Why you must choose a vocational course as one of your degrees?
- B.Voc course and curriculum are industry and work-integrated and often include a short internship or apprenticeship
- B.Voc degree programs are offered in over 200 colleges and skill universities across the country
- This is a 3-year degree program after higher secondary or intermediate with multiple entry and exit points
- If for any reason, a student is unable to complete the three years course, he/she can obtain a Diploma certificate, after the second year they get the Advanced Diploma certificate and after completion of three years, the B.Voc. Degree is awarded
- The course curriculum has 40% general education (theory) and 60% vocational training (practical) components
- These programs follow the semester system and offer credits after completion of the course
- These courses comply with NSQF (National Skills Qualification Framework) and are financially aided by the UGC
- With a B.Voc. degree, students are also eligible to apply for the competitive exams for various government jobs
The students who have enrolled in B.Voc courses appreciate the practical focus and are confident that their chances of getting a suitable job and being employable are higher than other graduates.
Why you must consider pursuing a dual degree?
Let’s imagine you want to study fashion designing and open your own boutique, but are unsure of the economic and business requirements. You might want to pursue either a degree in fashion design or a degree in business administration. But with the recently approved dual degree program by UGC, you can pursue both degree programs simultaneously – Bachelor of Business Administration and B.voc in Fashion Technology.
The many benefits of a dual degree in the current fast-paced and intensely competitive times account for this popularity. Because of the increased demand for dual-degree programs, many top colleges and universities have developed numerous programs that include vocational degrees. Currently, there are many colleges offering dual degree programs, like the Delhi University, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), and Amity University, among others.
Advantages of a Dual Degree program
- Accelerated career development
- More diverse employment opportunities
- Networking opportunities
- Students become industry-ready
- An opportunity to pursue multidisciplinary education in a variety of fields
- Fostering capabilities of student development in multiple academic spheres
- Enabling individuals to study in more areas of interest
Examples of courses a student can pursue after finishing their 12th grade:
B.Voc. in Fashion Technology + Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
B.Voc. in Agriculture + Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
B. Voc – Tourism and Hospitality Management + Bachelor of Business Economics (BBE)
UGC guidelines for pursuing Dual Degree
- A student can pursue two full-time academic programmes in the physical mode provided that in such cases, class timings for one programme do not overlap with the class timings of the other programme.
- A student can pursue two academic programmes, one in full-time physical mode and another in open and distance learning (ODL)/Online mode; or up to two ODL/Online programmes simultaneously.
- Degree or diploma programmes under ODL/Online mode shall be pursued with only such HEIs which are recognized by UGC/Statutory Council/Govt. of India for running such programmes.
- Degree or diploma programmes under these guidelines shall be governed by the regulations notified by the UGC and also the respective statutory/professional councils, wherever applicable.
- These guidelines shall come into effect from the date of their notification by the UGC. No retrospective benefit can be claimed by the students who have already done two academic programmes simultaneously prior to the notification of these guidelines.
Note: These guidelines for pursuing two academic programmes simultaneously are given by UGC. You can read more about it here – https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/5729348_Guidelines-for-pursuing-two-academic-programmes-simultaneously.pdf
A dual degree program with a vocational degree as one of the two degrees is worthwhile if pursued with zeal and dedication. A vocational degree is undoubtedly an excellent alternative for those who would want to pursue a work-integrated course that makes them industry-ready and employable.
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