The Australia India Institute released a report titled ‘Opportunities for Transnational VET in India: Insights for Australia’, offering a comprehensive exploration of foreign involvement in India’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) ecosystem. This report, funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, provides crucial insights for Australian providers looking to expand their presence in the Indian market.
Over the past decade, skill development has emerged as a cornerstone of India’s strategy for education and human capital enhancement. This report delves into the economic backdrop surrounding international engagement, analyzes transnational VET models adopted by foreign entities, and delineates the competitive challenges, advantages, and opportunities for Australian VET providers aspiring to broaden their footprint in India.
In recent years, India has witnessed a surge in foreign involvement in its higher education and vocational education and training (VET) sectors, particularly after the introduction of the National Education Policy (NEP) in 2020. This policy highlighted the value of international models in both VET and higher education, showing that India is becoming more open to global integration in its education system.
Despite this momentum, Australian VET providers have faced challenges in gaining a strong foothold in India’s VET system. The report seeks to enhance market understanding by comparing different foreign VET models in India, drawing from thorough research and interviews with key stakeholders.
Key components of the report include:
- An overview of the economic context shaping foreign involvement in India’s vocational education and training systems.
- Insights into the transnational VET models pursued by foreign operators in India.
- Identification of competitive challenges, advantages, and opportunities for Australian VET providers seeking to enhance their market presence in India.
To access the report titled “Opportunities for Transnational VET in India: Insights for Australia,” click here:
Key highlights of the report:
1. Transformation of India’s VET Ecosystem:
- India’s VET system evolved in the 2000s, aligning with economic liberalization and globalization.
- Agencies like NSDC and NCVET highlight India’s aim to internationalize vocational education, emphasizing skills training aligned with global standards.
2. Foreign Involvement in India’s VET Ecosystem:
- Established foreign VET providers from countries like Switzerland and the UK have long-standing involvement.
- Foreign transnational VET models in India focus on international mobility and domestic industry sectors, employing diverse approaches.
3. Advancing Australian VET in India:
- Despite being a latecomer, Australian VET possesses expertise and a robust regulatory framework.
- Australia can learn from established foreign players and leverage its AQF and ASQA reputations to expand its presence in India’s VET market.
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, this research report serves as a comprehensive resource for Australian stakeholders looking to navigate and capitalize on the burgeoning opportunities in India’s VET landscape.
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