From September 5 to September 30, 2022, the country will celebrate “Shikshak Parv”, as announced by the Ministry of Education, “Shikshak Parv 2022” was inaugurated by Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, and Smt. Annpurna Devi, Minister of State for Education to honour the teachers and develop the National Education Policy 2020 held in New Delhi on September 6, 2022 and organized by the Ministries of Education (MOE), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), CBSE, and AICTE.
Four National Curriculum Frameworks (NCF) are being developed as a follow-up to the National Education Policy 2020 utilising a bottom-up approach, with input from the States and UTs where the focus areas are on School Education, Early Childhood Care and Education, Teacher Education, and Adult Education.
To make developing curriculum frameworks as paperless as possible, including consultations and the creation of reports at all levels, a tech platform has been created that makes use of Machine Learning (ML) to compile and summarise feedback and opinions.
Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC): The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is being developed based on NEP-2020’s recommendations, and it can be accessed at
In the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Education and academics from NCERT, awards were distributed to principals and teachers on this occasion. The awardee teachers also participated in the discussion and provided their feedback.
The discussion on topics included some of the key National Education Policy proposals led by NCERT:
- Adoption of the new 5+3+3+4 curricular and pedagogical structure
- Multilingual education, holistic assessment, innovative pedagogies, etc.
- Core competences at all four stages of education
- Cultural roots in curriculum, multilingual education, flexibility in subject choice at secondary stage
- Innovative pedagogy, and holistic assessments
The awardees’ meeting with the Prime Minister had further ignited their motivation and that they would go on to serve as genuine ambassadors for “Shikshit Bharat & Viksit Bharat”.
Two publications prepared by the MSDE were also launched on the occasion:
Employability Skills Curriculum
In collaboration with Quest Alliance, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and other curricular bodies, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) launched a modified curriculum on employability skills on September 6, 2022. Read more…
One click registration for IGNOU and NIOS courses for ITI candidates
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) signed an MoU with MSDE to facilitate the vertical mobility of ITI trainees, allowing them to pursue a degree program or earn a certificate in 10th or 12th grade, depending on their needs. By enrolling in an additional language course, a trainee may apply for any NIOS program of their choice and after completion of the course, the trainee will receive a certificate from NIOS that is equivalent to a 10th or 12th-grade diploma. ITI trainees with a 12th-grade pass can enrol in degree-level courses through IGNOU and for direct admission to its undergraduate programs, IGNOU has also acknowledged two-year NTC (after 10th standard), covering four topics, as being equivalent to the 10+2 level.
- A One Click solution has been made available through the trainee profile page on the DGTMIS ( portal of DGT, to simplify the process and facilitate easy registration of ITI trainees for NIOS, IGNOU, and apprenticeship. Through a two-way API, the DGTMIS portal has been connected to the NIOS, IGNOU, and Apprenticeship portals.
- The NCVTMIS portal, are options for registering a trainee and will have accesses to their profile through Trainee Profile page by entering the ITI Roll No., Father Name and Date of Birth. Based on the academic credentials, the trainee is given the choice to enrol in NIOS, IGNOU, or an apprenticeship and only needs to click once to choose the selection and sign up for the program.
Also read: NSN weekly newsbytes on skills, education and training- 06092022
The following innovative initiatives were also launched by the MSDE: –
- Handbook for Early Detection of Mental Health issues in school going children – Hands on training of teachers, counsellors and other stakeholders.
- Report on National Mental Health Survey – Mental Health and Well-being of School Students Survey was conducted by Manodarpan Cell, DEPFE, NCERT between January-March, 2022 on 3,79,842 students from 36 States/UTs.
- National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Study report – About 86,000 grade 3 students from 10,000 schools were included in the Foundational Learning Study. Sample included central government institutions, state and government-aided schools, accredited private schools.
- Screening Tools Mobile App for Specific Learning Disabilities and Glossary – Disability Screening Checklist for Schools’ mobile app and booklet has been launched. Prashast covers 21 disabilities, including the benchmark disabilities as per the RPwD Act 2016.
- Launch of Toy based Pedagogy – Handbook for Toy-based Pedagogy has been designed to promote integration of indigenous toys and its pedagogy into the curriculum of School Education, Early Childhood Care and Education and Teacher Education.
- Handbook Shiksha Shabdkosh – The Department of School Education & Literacy has prepared a comprehensive Glossary of important terminologies in the area of School Education entitled Shiksha Shabdkosh.
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