A great leader creates more leaders! Nettur Technical Training Foundation (NTTF), being a pioneering leader in providing industry relevant training and creating skilled youth, has proved the statement to be true by encouraging entrepreneurship in the country. NTTF’s 60+ years of glorious journey has been quite impactful for everyone who has been a part of it. Touching lives, sustaining livelihoods and impacting the society at large has always been the core of NTTF. With a vision to cater to the needs of the society, NTTF has made significant contributions to the society enabling the growth and development of multiple industries, through its comprehensive and cohesive skill development initiatives.
Creating world class leaders in the form of entrepreneurs, NTTF has successfully impacted thousands of lives. The robust training methodologies practiced by NTTF has a built-in capability of imparting the required skills for a young person to opt entrepreneurship as his or her career. A majority of NTTF alumni have embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship and have been quite successful at it. Apart from educational and technical training, NTTF inculcates strong values like patience, persistence and perseverance which forms the backbone of every endeavour undertaken by an entrepreneur.
Here in this Skill Story, Team NSN is presenting the journey of some such talented and highly successful alumni who have reached the zenith as entrepreneurs, post their journey at NTTF. There are many such success stories, but we have been able to publish only few of them as the exemplary demonstration of NTTF’s training capability to the youth. Read on to relive their journey as entrepreneurs. .
Satyanarayana Chitneni and Y R K Ajay Kumar, Precitek
After their diploma in Tool and Die making, Satyanarayana Chitneni and Y R K Ajay Kumar started their own company known as Precitek which provides services in tooling and part supply.

Stayanarayana Chitneni is a NTTF alumni of batch 1993 – 1996 who did his Diploma in Tool and Die Making. He started his own company “Precitek Designation” after his Diploma. Being a person who aspired to become an entrepreneur from the beginning, Satyanarayana says, “while coming out from NTTF, I had a goal to start on my own and from there on, I started a company along with my friends. Our client base is Philips, Siemens, etc. We are the preferred suppliers for Tool Making for Mahindra and TATA Motors. I believe that a fresher should be willing to work in small scale industries for 2 to 3 years as it will be helpful for them.”

Y R K Ajay says, “it was my father who found out about NTTF for me. He got me in touch with the Alumni to get through the examinations. The practical oriented training sessions are very hard at the beginning but later we got comfortable with the help of instructors. It was a great learning experience with NTTF. I was working with a private company in Hyderabad and was continuously in touch with my batchmates. I am from a business family and always wanted to start one, so joined Sathya and others and started a production setup in 2010. By then I was working with a company called Automotive Design and was in Product Development. So, we started presenting components as a production extension for Sathya’s Tool and die making work.”
Narayan Kathare, Micro Precision
Narayan Kathare is an alumni of NTTF of batch 1975-1979. He completed his diploma in Tool and Die Making from NTTF Dharwad.

Explaining his entrepreneurship journey, Narayan says, “I completed my graduation from NTTF, Dharwad and worked around four years as a Tool and Die Engineer in Gabriel India Ltd., Parwanoo and Techno Tools, Kanpur. Later on, in 1983, I came back to start on my own. In 1984, we started this unit.
As far as training is concerned, I can tell you that it was one of the best times of my life. Usually in Engineering, what happens is that theory is more and practical is less. Here, focus is given on both, practical as well as theory. It was a very tedious period but in my future life, it gave me a lot of discipline from what I had learned from there. It has helped me reach this level.
In NTTF, there were campus interviews and I got selected before my training period was over. I worked in Himachal Pradesh for 2 years but because of the climate and other issues, I had to come back and immediately got a job in NTTF. Then, I decided to start my own business.
I started doing work for auto components. From there, my journey of auto component business started. Made a turnover of 80,000 – 1 lakh per annum. Today, we are making about 50 crores in this business. We are doing some of the components for Karawo India Ltd and some part of it goes to their Italian operations also. Then, my next major client is Cirlos Coil Agency here in Kagal and Spicer India Ltd., Jhunadi and York Transport Ltd in Talegaon, Pune. These are my 4 major customers.
It’s because of NTTF that I’m here. So, I wanted my sons to also graduate from NTTF. I sent both my sons there. One has done Electronics and the other one has done in Tool and Die Making. My first son passed out in 2010 and in 2013, my second son had passed out of NTTF and both are with me right now.”
Prasanna Dixit, Kuse Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
“The NTTF kind of approach is best for the industry because what India needs now more than qualified people are skilled people and NTTF provides that” says Prasanna Dixit, an alumni who completed his diploma from NTTF, Dharwad in Tool and Die Making.

Reliving his journey of being an entrepreneur, Prasanna says, “well, I was lucky that two of my seniors from my college were in NTTF. One of my super seniors was an instructor in NTTF. So, I was introduced to NTTF by them. The first time when I was taken into the workshop in NTTF Dharwad and when I saw all the machineries and everything, I got pretty excited.
I was used to the boring schools and colleges with the black board and desk and it was all theoretical. But the moment I entered the workshop, I saw some life, something happening which is very practical. So, that pumped me up. That point of time I decided, this is the place I want to be in.
I struggled initially because of the discipline. I wasn’t used to that level of discipline. It was hard that I even thought of quitting but then I knew that I had to do it. Then the bonding between my batchmates was good so that took over my time. The instructors were great and everything was practical and realistic.
The good thing was that most of our trainers were our seniors. So, they had gone through the same training and were part of the same culture and their aim was to bring the same into us. What we also liked was that apart from the drills in the morning, training would also include cleaning. We were also taught perseverance, clarity on what we are going to achieve, planning, execution, commitment which is very important and finally, we were taught to never quit. I’m sure if someone from NTTF decides to do something, he would never quit.
We were campus recruited by some of the best companies and after our training period also we never had any problem getting a job. We saw that NTTF had a good name in the industry and we were welcomed in most places.”
Also read: NTTF ensures placement of right talent through outcome-based curriculum https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/nttf-ensures-placement-of-right-talent-through-outcome-based-curriculum/
NTTF, one of the premier institutions of India is addressing the industry-academia gap and training their students to be industry ready with employment-based and industry-integrated courses. It has been encouraging its students to be self-employed by providing them with the necessary skills. NTTF is indeed a great leader who is building more leaders in the form of successful entrepreneurs for the country.
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