As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a person changes jobs an average of 12 times during his or her career.
The ideal career trajectory / prescribed career plan
Engineering by the age of 22. Two years of work experience. A master’s degree post that and post-haste, with not a second to waste.
Inspired by the blueprints of success laid down by relatives, friends and neighbours. It is also a career goal and timeline that highly motivated and ambitious young achievers take up, putting their heart and soul towards reaching the apex of the professional pyramid. Yet, amidst all the chaos associated with the clamour for rapid success, there arises an important question:
Does everyone have to follow the same timeline?
Not really because atypical success stories are not the norm.
We are used to looking at lists hailing the likes of,
- 30 things to do under 30
- IIT-JEE toppers
- CAT 100% achievers and
- Of course, that one person (a long lost relative/neighbour) who we have never met but are judged against.
But the reality is that individuals mature at their own unique rate, and reach maximum cognitive capabilities at different timelines.
Research into the cognitive capabilities of young adults shows that the prefrontal cortex, essentially the processor of our brain that controls functions such as organisational skills, planning capabilities, problem-solving and logical reasoning ability, takes the longest to develop.
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Another research shows that while we process information the fastest between the ages of 18 and 19, the ability to analyse people’s emotional behaviour peaks between 40 – 50. This is one of the reasons why youngsters are better suited to handle roles such as software coding as compared to project management.
Besides, millennials (born 1981-1996) or late boomers (born 1956-1964) can make things go their way thanks to the rise of Industry 4.0. A movement that has changed the dynamics of the professional sphere. If one develops skills and gains knowledge in new technologies, he or she will be in demand.
If there was ever a time for late-boomers to succeed, it is now. Time is on their side, and so is the professional landscape.
So, what if software coding or project management or any other field doesn’t work out?
Just focus on developing a new skill and explore boundless opportunities. With emerging technologies opening doors never seen before, the sky is the limit. There are several career paths that one can walk on, regardless of age.
Having valid skills is like having a passport to success now!
It is the age where the proactive succeed, and anyone can have a fresh start at any given moment.
Keeping in line with this thought, Certif-ID positions individuals to define their career paths. Certif-ID is a dedicated skills platform for training institutions, individuals and recruiters. Through the platform, individuals can choose to study courses from reputed institutes. Not only will the graduates possess new skills but they will also hold a digital certificate.
Why Certif-ID’s digital certificate?
Powered by blockchain technology, digital certificates issued through Certif-ID establishes trust and transparency. It cannot be altered or counterfeited.
Training institutions can issue the certificate directly into a candidate’s profile. This acts as a digital proof of skill and enhances the resume or job application.
Having easy access, candidates can easily share their digital credentials with recruiters to prove their appropriateness for the job role.
If you would like more information on the Certif-ID platform, please get in touch with us for a demo.
Author: Tim Miller, Co-Founder, Certif-ID | Email:
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