The National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research [NITTTR] and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries [FICCI] organized the “Skill Summit 2017– A Roundtable on Consolidation and Networking with Sector Skills Councils [SSCs] for Skilling India” at Chandigarh, Sector 26 on the 28th of April, 2017.
The main objective for conducting this Skill Summit was to bring skill development stakeholders to a common platform to evolve sustainable skill development approach for skilling vast population of India’s youth. More than 300 persons representing Sector Skill Councils, State Skill Development Missions, Corporate involved in Skill Development through their CSR activities, Skill Development Universities, Directors, Principals, Instructors and Students undergoing Skill programmes in Universities, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics and ITIs, National Skill Development Agency, National Skill Development Corporation, State Urban Livelihood Mission took part in deliberations of the roundtable.
Sh. Sarvesh Kaushal, IAS, Special Chief Secretary-cum-Director General, MGSIPA, Govt. of Punjab delivering the Inaugural Address during Skill Summit 2017
While delivering the inaugural address, Shri Sarvesh Kaushal, IAS, Special Chief Secretary-cum-Director General, MGSIPA, Govt of Punjab laid emphasis on first improving the quality of school education system and thereafter imparting geographical location specific skills to all cross-sections of the society. He emphasized that besides skilling the first-time entrant to the job market, there is a need to re-skill and up-skill the existing manpower from time to time. He suggested that efforts should also be made on promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship amongst the youth of the country. With a view to promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship, preparation of district/block level action plans based on consultative meetings, collaborations with banks and hand-holding of candidates and the creation of cooperation for the marketers is extremely important.
Highlights of NITTTR and FICCI organized the “Skill Summit 2017”
- Explore ways to evolve sustainable skill development approach for skilling vast population of India’s youth
- More than 300 persons attended representing various sector skill councils
- Addressed concerns about slowing down in hiring by the corporate due to automaton, artificial intelligence and use of robots in different work situation
- Discussed the need to re-skill and up-skill the existing manpower from time to time
- Discussed the need to change from custodial approach of Skill Development to a collaborative model of Skill Development
- Explored the need to develop linkages with skill knowledge providers and the fund providing agencies.
Shri Rajesh Sharma, Managing Director, H.P. KaushalVikasNigam emphasised on reaping the demographic dividends characterizing India being a young country. He was of the opinion that besides meeting its own manpower requirements, the country can provide manpower to the needy nations across the globe.
Dr. Raj Nehru, Vice-Chancellor, Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University spoke about the initiatives of his university in promoting Skill Development in State of Haryana. He mentioned that there is a need to change from custodial approach of Skill Development to a collaborative model of Skill Development.
Dr. P.K.Tulsi, Director In-charge, NITTTR, Chandigarh, in her address spoke about the initiatives of NITTTR, Chandigarh in context of Skill Development and Technical Teachers Training. She also emphasized upon need for training vast India’s school dropouts in variety of appropriate skills.
Dr. J.S. Saini, convener of the Roundtable highlighted the initiatives taken by Central and State Governments in developing skill development eco-system in the Country. He also shared his concerns about slowing down in hiring by the corporate due to automaton, artificial intelligence and use of robots in different work situations. The challenges faced by skill development stakeholders were also elaborated upon.
Dr. Rakesh Wats, Roundtable Co-convener apprised as to how the roundtable delegates would contribute to evolving a sustainable skill development in the country.
Shri G.B. Singh, Regional Head of FICCI, Chandigarh summarized the proceedings of the inaugural session and proposed a vote of thanks.
Skill Development Stakeholders attending the Inaugural Session of Skill Summit 2017 at NITTTR, Sector 26, Chandigarh.
Further, 17 sectors skill councils made presentations during the event and shared their activities and experiences in evolving qualification packs and national occupational standards. Stake holders in skill development wanted that the contents pertaining to skill development need to be made available in local languages. It was also suggested that such work pertaining to converting the contents in local languages should be undertaken by the state skill development missions.
In one of the sessions SSDMs, NSDA, NSDC, shared their experiences of working in skill development space. Colleges and institutes involved in skill development were interested in developing linkages with skill knowledge providers and the fund providing agencies. In all,22 Sector Skill Councils, National Skill Development Agency, National Skill Development Corporation,4 State Skill Development Missions, 8 Corporates and a large number of Academicians from Universities, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics and Skill Development Institutes made presentations during the roundtable.
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