As Confucius said once “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” and it doesn’t end there as it puts you on the pole position to start your career. In the current global context, as we compete with emerging technologies, it is highly important to choose jobs matching your passion as the expectations on productivity are rising constantly. Therefore, put the right foot forward as it keeps you away from the pressure of imbalance and surprises, take the help of professional skilling counsellors to match your natural ability on various aspects of knowledge, skill and behaviour to the requirement and expectations of the chosen job.
Freedom and Independence are not bought over the counter, they are earned through responsibility. Hence, once the preferred job is chosen get your skills training to your fullest satisfaction as a consumer of the product or service of the same job, this habit of responsibility gives you the freedom and Independence on various areas personal, professional, social and financial. As you grow with this responsibility the by-product of these are productivity, leadership, creativity etc which will take you to the next level of becoming managers and entrepreneurs.
Personal and social factors are key to change and performance, as we move on in our career, these elements influences us both positively and negatively. But one important skill required to manage them is your Emotional Intelligence, be it change management, conflict management or crisis management, since change is a fact of life. The sense of freedom and independence is experienced when you control and mange your situation as it’s very critical to workplace and that can be achieved only through empowerment of continuous skill development to manage technical and emotional requirement aspects of your job.
Let me conclude, with few action points, stay positive, explore opportunities (including entrepreneurship) and get counselled. As we save money for future in our bank, please keep adding a skill to your skill bank for future prospects.
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