Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN) oganized first ever skill conclave “Kaushal Himachal Samridh Himachal” on 14th December 2016 from 9.00AM to 6.00PM at Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla. The conclave was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Mr. Virbhadra Singh. The event was designed as a platform for collaboration between all the stakeholders in the skill development ecosystem to impart relevant skilling programs in the state and make the youth employable.
HPKVN, a state skill mission, operates under the Department of Planning, Government of Himachal Pradesh. It is the nodal agency for providing the industry with skilled workforce and improve employability of youth in the state. The main objective is to provide quality training to youth in compliance with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) with active involvement from Sector Skill Councils (SSCs). HPKVN plans to impart NSQF compliant training to approx. 65000 youth in the next 5 years. The mandate of the HPKVN is to empower all unemployed, unskilled and semiskilled youth falling in the age bracket of 18 to 35 years.
Address by General Manager, HPKVN
Mrs. Anurita Saxena, General Manager, HPKVN welcomed all the dignitaries, industries, training partners and students to the Skill Conclave – “Kaushal Himachal – Samridh Himachal”.She emphasized on the need to have end to end connect right from training partners to industrial partners for the success of any skilling programme. This was followed by inauguration of the Conclave by Lighting of the Lamp by Worthy Chief Secretary.
Address by Managing Director, HPKVN
Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Managing Director, HP Kaushal Vikas Nigam said Indians constitutes approx. 25 percent of global work force with the fact that the nation is having a strong base of young population which could be gainfully employed in different sectors. He asserted the needs of vocational education in the state and highlighted the importance of industry engagements to ensure the better employment opportunities to the unemployed youth. He highlighted that, HPKVN in the month of February, 2016 signed 19 MoUs with industrial associations and Sector Skill Councils.
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