What careers are we to pursue after or during the pandemic? What is the situation of humanities now? What will be the situation of humanities post-COVID-19? What kinds of jobs will be in demand post-pandemic? COVID-19 has changed a lot of things around us. It has severely impacted industries that are related to human interaction. A lot of people have lost their jobs, got laid off, or fired. So, the next big question is, what is in store for humanities?
How can Humanities help us cope with COVID-19?
Fortunately, companies that are from the tech industry are able to maintain their profits. After months of struggle, jobs that require human interaction are finally able to pick up. This being the case, the next skill every employer is looking for is adaptability and flexibility. What the human race has learned from the pandemic is that change is the only constant and uncertainty is inevitable. The pandemic has made us reimagine businesses. Now, most of the companies are focusing on doing everything online, though these already existed, it has become almost essential now. (Humans are social animals, it is hard for us to stay without human contact but in situations like this there is no option.) Being able to adapt to any situation and show flexibility is crucial now.
A few skills that are learned after studying humanities are critical thinking, analyzing, creativity, and innovation. This shift from interacting physically to interacting online requires businesses to use these skills. A common misconception is that where there is technology there is no need for humanities. Technology deals with humans because it is created by humans. Companies and institutes had to remodel themselves in such a way that the digital platform can be used by everyone.
Related Article: Here’s why the technology-driven world needs humanities – Read More: https://nationalskillsnetwork.in/heres-why-technology-driven-world-needs-humanities/
Using technology can be challenging for most of us, to make it interesting and user friendly is where the skills of creativity, analysis, critical thinking, and innovation come into play. As much as there is a necessity to learn these skills it is also necessary to understand the digital aspect. The world has changed now, it has created something called the ‘new normal’. To adapt to the new normal, one must have knowledge and skill from the backgrounds of humanities and STEM.
Coming back to the question of, what is the future of humanities?. As of now, many students are opting for this discipline. India has seen a rise in students choosing Liberal Arts and Humanities. At the same time, with the new National education policy, colleges that offer STEM are going to incorporate humanities into their syllabus. These steps are a great example of how important it is to be well versed in both these fields.
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Great article sir it’s so much informative…Thanks for sharing…I’m also share it with my friends sir..