Take that skill pill while you chill! Let’s look at the fun side of skill development – how can we combine it with the time to relax, reconnect and rediscover? It is that precious time of the year when we pack our bags and spend valuable time with family and friends. It could also be the best time to revisit our hobbies and hidden talents that are biting the dust in our race against time. Or, while planning your holidays you could choose destinations that are related to your hobbies. Or, that digital camera that you are planning to take along – may be, you could experiment a few tips and trick and to be like a pro! This will definitely improve your photography skills. Some more ideas on the same topic:
Learn something new or build on existing skills: If planned well, holidays are the best times to learn a new skill or polish the existing one, taking our hobby to the next level. It could be photography, bird watching, rock climbing, bungee jumping or adventure sport or anything fascinating.
Coping skills: Whether you travel or just stay at home for that much needed break. Trying out something that betters our life, like meditation and this could get us initiated into a practice that helps us cope with difficult times and balance work and life.
Strategy skills: End of the year holidays is also the time to introspect and plan to improve ourselves in the coming year. So, how about doing some conscious self-reflection with analytical skills? Self-reflection and inward analysis can result in honing strategy skills.
Writing skills: How about reviving that blog that hasn’t been visited for long? Most of us want to record our thoughts, document our experiences and share them as a blog or store them for future. What better way than writing, making notes and practicing it systematically.
Movie making: If you are inclined towards this hobby, this is the best time to pursue. Take all your pictures and movie clips from your holiday and edit them with music, voice-over and just watch it on large screen. To pursue this hobby further even a movie editing tool on your smart phone could do the magic.
Well, the list of skills can go on! It’s all about putting our time to best use. Not all of us have the luxury to make travel as our hobby but nothing stops us from getting the best out of that one memorable trip or that planned holiday. How does it matter whether it’s an exotic location or a foreign hotspot or a place of interest in our neighbourhood – what matters is how much we enriched ourselves while enjoying the break. Perhaps it’s all about breaking the ice and that glass ceiling to achieve complete fulfilment.
Happy holidays!
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