iMOVE organized an online presentation titled “Vet on the Move: Health and Geriatric Care—Vocational and Further Training for Nursing Staff” for India on November 9, 2023.
The rising demand for well-qualified nursing staff is a global challenge and opportunity, not limited to Germany. Meeting this demand is crucial for the quality and efficiency of care provision. Investing in education and training programs becomes imperative to equip nurses with the skills to address complex needs.
iMOVE’s online event aimed to support German education and training providers with a keen interest in the Indian market. The focus was on fostering new collaborations and business contacts. During concise presentations, three educational institutions—QuatraCare Health Academy, platform3L and SZENARIS showcased how they can effectively train participants from India in health and geriatric care.
The event included a distinguished panel of experts, such as Dr. Uwe Katzky, Managing Director, SZENARIS; Mrs. Kerstin Jörn, Managing Director, quatraCare Health Care Academy; and Mrs. Gabriele Riedmann de Trinidad, Founder and CEO, platform3L. Mr. Marcus Aust, Senior Advisor at iMOVE, moderated the event. The iMOVE team was represented by Ms. Silvia Niediek, Regional Manager; Mr. Arunachalam Karthikeyan, Head of iMOVE representation; and Ms. Christina Tschutschmanow, responsible for Event Management, Provider Pool, and the B2B marketplace at iMOVE.
The iMOVE Online Presentation on “Health and Geriatric Care – Vocational and Further Training for Nursing Staff in India” attracted approximately 40 participants. Demographic changes, ethical concerns, economic pressures, technological progress, and an increasing recognition of the importance of health play crucial roles in shaping the dynamics of the healthcare sector.
Health and Geriatric Care – Vocational and Further Training for Nursing Staff
quatraCare Health Academy
In her presentation, Mrs. Kerstin Jörn highlighted quatraCare Health Academy as a premier provider of occupational retraining and qualifications in Hamburg and its greater metropolitan area. Placed across three locations in northern Germany, the academy offers a gateway for individuals to interact with highly competent staff united by a common goal: providing educational opportunities that empower clients to enhance their long-term career prospects, whether at the beginning of their professional journey or aspiring to ascend to higher positions.
The shifting demographics pose significant challenges for the job market, simultaneously creating a substantial demand for specialized and highly skilled healthcare professionals. Addressing these challenges, quatraCare Health Academy, a charitable education provider affiliated with several vocational schools, excels at offering top-notch basic vocational training and professional development across all facets of the healthcare industry.
Key highlights of the presentation included:
- Comprehensive occupational retraining and qualification programs
- Highly competent staff dedicated to individualized education
- Tailored opportunities for career advancement
- Initiatives supporting education in healthcare
Through these initiatives, quatraCare Health Academy positions itself at the forefront of providing impactful solutions to the dynamic demands of the evolving healthcare landscape.”
Mrs. Gabriele Riedmann de Trinidad, in her presentation, underscored key features of platform3L, positioning it as an esteemed German education technology company. Recognized by the Jacobs Foundation as a global leader in AI-supported learning systems for adaptive learning, this accolade follows a meticulous evaluation of over 1000 solutions from more than 150 countries.
Key features highlighted in the presentation include:
- Preparation for structured on boarding and the integration and alignment of training programs with local needs are essential.
- Collaboration with quatraCare as a pivotal partner, offering personalized digital support for high-quality vocational training
- Extension of services to Indian partners, providing the flexibility to customize or integrate locally relevant content
- Utilization of an innovative AI ghostwriting tool for the swift transformation of diverse content types into engaging micro-learnings
Overall, the presentation showcased Platform3L as a trailblazer, leveraging advanced technology to elevate the global quality and accessibility of education.
During the presentation, Dr. Uwe Katzky highlighted key features of the collaboration between SZENARIS and the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW HH) in a project generously funded by the Federal Ministry of Health. The focus of their efforts was the successful development of an online portal, Pflegedigital2.0 dedicated to the subject of digital-interactive training of nursing staff. Notably, these modules are available for free use until December 2023.
Key features of the project, as presented, include:
- Collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW HH) and generous funding from the Federal Ministry of Health
- Creation of an online portal comprising 22 free-to-use learning modules on nursing training
- Thoughtful inclusion of five languages (German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Vietnamese) to cater to a diverse audience
- Ongoing efforts to introduce a Ukrainian supplement, showcasing a commitment to broader accessibility
- Comprehensive presentation of the portal and its modules in an English-language online event, ensuring widespread understanding and engagement
The event further included engaging 10-minute pitches from training providers, showcasing their offerings. After the presentations, the participants had the opportunity to engage in direct discussions with the panelists. This collaborative initiative by iMOVE, along with quatraCare Health Academy, platform3L and SZENARIS, stands as a testament to the commitment to providing accessible and multilingual educational resources in the field of health and geriatric care.
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