After getting a conventional degree from any institution, a job seeker needs to get industry experience to perform better at the workplace. Engineers, management professionals, journalists and people from many other fields too need this kind of practical knowledge before entering the job market. Such trainings give a huge experience in making their career. It is also important to choose the right path of training whether it is apprenticeship or internship to increase one’s employability.
In many developed and developing countries, the leading brands and companies offer entry level training programmes to the eligible candidates who seek such industry-oriented exposure. These programmes are called apprenticeship and internship. Earlier apprenticeships were popular only among PSU’s (Public Sector Undertakings) and the manufacturing sector. But now apprenticeships are available for numerous trades across varied fields. Apprenticeship is work-integrated training and internship is work-integrated learning. However, in both of these, certificate provision is mandatory. In this article complementing the video, we help you understand the 6 differences between apprenticeship and internship and help you make informed decisions.
Difference between apprenticeship and internship
- Apprenticeships are longer in term, whereas internships are shorter: Most of the organisations around the world hire trainees or apprentices for one or two years. Whereas, most of the internships are for a few months; some are only for a couple of weeks.
- Apprentices get pre-planned training, interns do not: In apprenticeship, companies provide well-structured training program for the candidates as they spend a good extent of time with the company. Internship, on the other hand is not so rigid and uniform.
- Apprenticeship will give a chance of employment whereas internship does not guarantee that: Most of the time, big organisations offer permanent jobs to potential candidates who have successfully completed the program under their observation. Even if not, with apprenticeship training certificate, one can find a number of job opportunities. However, internships do not guarantee a job and are mostly project-based.
- Difference in stipend: Many of the leading organisations offer a good amount of stipend to the apprentices, where interns, in contrast, are not sure of getting any such privilege.
- Apprenticeship is halfway to your dream job; Internship is getting an idea about your preferred field: Apprenticeship is almost like a job experience. You will get training of what you will actually do in the office after getting a job. So, it is an in-hand experience of all the responsibilities that you are going to carry. Internship, on the other hand, is getting to know how things take place practically. Here you just get practical knowledge of what you have learnt in college or university.
- Difference in educational qualification: Apprenticeships can be undergone by a number of students, right from 10+2 pass outs, diploma holders, graduates, and also students who have undergone training in their respective trades. Whereas internships are mostly undergone by college students during their vacation to get an idea about the field related to the course they are pursuing.
Related article: Apprenticeship schemes in India: NAPS and NATS – Read more:
These two aspects are like the difference between getting practical training about the things and getting idea of the things studied about before. Although apprenticeship is not a popular word compared to internship, but it has a few more advantages than the other. Apprenticeship gives you experience of the practical field, where internship helps you to prepare to be better in the field.
Both the training programs are important for the students. Most importantly, companies now-a-days prefer people who have relevant experience in the field. So, having an internship lets you enter to the industry confidently; having experience with apprenticeship will help you become an expert in the concerned field.
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