Under the ambit of SFJ, Department for International Development (DFID)-UK government and Skill Council for Persons with Disability (SCPwD) with experts from National Star College, United Kingdom organized a 4 day Top- Up Training of Trainers (ToTs) programme for Intellectual Disability at National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (NIEPID), Regional Centre, Kolkata between 11th -14th February 2019.
Post the training sessions, 15 qualified Trainers from Kolkata, Guwahati and Delhi were awarded joint certificate by SCPwD and National Star College-UK.Certificates were distributed by Ms. Anu Gupta, Head, Skills & Inclusion, DFID, Ms.Shahida Khan, Deputy High Commissioner of British Deputy High Commission, West Bengal, DrNiharika Nigam, Head Quality & Standards- SCPwD, Dr. Hemant Keshwal, Officer Incharge, NIEPID Regional Centre and Ms. Kaustubhi Harit – Skills Policy Advisor, DFID.
Further, a session on Assistive Technology with demonstration of online and offline tools for PWDs was also conducted at NIEPID.Ms. Anu Gupta addressed the session by giving an overview of DFID SFJ programme and stressed DFID initiatives towards PwD skilling & employment. Ms.Shahida Khan, gave a special address and emphasized on strengthening India-UK relationship with common objective of generating more jobs and ensuring growth and security for all. She further stressedthat these kind of initiatives will have a positive impact on lives of people with disabilities. Dr. Niharika Nigam highlighted SCPwD’s role in skilling and employing PwDs.
Mr. David Finch, Director National Star College-UK took over the session and provided insights on different types of assistive technologies which are being used successfully in the UK. He demonstrated many hardware and software assistive tools that could be used by PwDs, practitioners and caregivers resulting in a positive impact on lives of PwDs. The session covered topics such as Principles of assistive technology, assessment, solutions (software/apps, hardware and in-built tools) and various UK knowledge resources.Over 50 participants from NIEPID staff and practitioners, students, PwD employers and PwDs participated.
Skills for Persons with Disability is one of the key component under DFID Skills for Jobs (SFJ) programme which is aimed at giving more exposure to Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in terms of learning, skilling and employment. Previously, a top- up Training of Master Trainers (ToMT) Integrated was conducted on 8th& 9th February 2019 at India International Centre, Delhi and 16 qualified trainers were awarded with certificates.
DFID has also launched a pilot training programme for training of 100 ID and VI candidates along with SCPwD. Through this, they intend to test good training models for ID and VI, which can be scaled up in the future.
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