Guest Author: Suma Nair, Lead, Products, TCS iON Vocational Education, Tata Consultancy Services

Today, we are on the cusp of a technological revolution. Emerging technologies are not only reshaping industries but also transforming job markets and the future of work. The short shelf life and the rapid technological advancements are fueling the continuous surge in new opportunities and the demand for new skills.
To realise the true potential of this revolution, industries will need a constant supply of skilled talent through new skilled/reskilled fresh entrants and upskilling of existing talent. Hence, there is a huge dependency on academia to scale up and meet the rising and evolving skill demands of the industry.
Keeping pace with the evolving job market requirements and ensuring that the talent is industry-ready requires deeper academia-industry partnerships. This synergy is also backed by the National Education Policy (NEP 2020).
TCS iON aims to focus on three key elements:
- Credit-aligned learning programs: The program is structured in such a way that students can earn credits after completion of the course based on the hours of learning and performance in the assessments.
- Immersive and experiential learning: The practical components embedded in the program provide hands-on, real-life workplace experience.
- Partnership ecosystem: The program is curated to establish a best-in-class partnership ecosystem, fostering deeper collaborations with academia and industry.
Here’s How IHC is bridging the gap through deeper academic-industry partnerships
The Industry Honour Course (IHC) stands out for its program structure and design that allows easy integration into the existing course structure of institutions for swift adoption. With a focus on hands-on experiential learning, the programs enforce better acquisition and retention of skills. The curriculums are carefully crafted to ensure industry relevance, and the certification ensures the acknowledgement and acceptance of proficiency in specific domains.
TCS iON IHCs are built in modular and stackable units, wherein each unit focuses on clear outcomes stacking up to a skill path progression, enabling individuals to build a comprehensive career suite through a step-by-step acquisition of skills. This innovative approach not only accelerates skill development but also ensures the relevance and adaptability of the courses in the ever-changing landscape of industries.
TCS iON Industry Honour Course (IHC): Program offerings
The program offerings encompass a diverse range of courses spanning emerging domains such as Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Game Design, Domain Tech, Cybersecurity, Smart Systems and IoT, Data and Analytics, and Software Development and Testing. Currently, the focus is on delivering courses that delve into the intricacies of the most cutting-edge technologies,ensuring participants gain expertise in these rapidly evolving fields, including the following:
- Practical Approach to Cyber Security
- Machine Learning for Real-world Application
- Learn Intelligent Game Design and its Applications
- Essentials of Data Analytics and Reporting
- Practical Guide to Social Media and Text Analytics
If you wish to learn more about the job-oriented programs and initiatives for TCS iON, please visit –
Looking ahead, TCS iON’s pipeline of IHCs includes cutting-edge curriculums in domains like conversational AI, Generative AI, Edge computing, Prompt engineering, etc. The aim is to ensure that institutions and learners stay at the forefront of innovation. By being the first to consume these programs, TCS iON aims to establish itself as the go-to institute for education. Our commitment to democratise the best of learning is reflected in the partnerships we build to ensure; we bring the best courses by the best experts to the doorstep of the learner. Courses are accessible to a wide network of educational institutions. The seamless integration of these courses into partner curricula further facilitates the easy adoption of the latest technological advancements in education. If you are interested in exploring these courses and integrating them into your curriculum, visit TCS iON’s official website for more information.
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