A Training partner’s meet was held on 22nd June 2018 by Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) , a non- profit body working under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) ,Government of India. It aims to skill people in agriculture and allied sectors under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and other innovative schemes of government of India . ASCI facilitates capacity building by bridging gaps and upgrading skills of farmers, wage workers, self-employed & extension workers engaged in organized/ unorganized segments of Agriculture & Allied Sectors through a network of certified training partners.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Satender Singh Arya, CEO of ASCI said that ASCI is doing its bit for nation building through Skill Development in Agriculture. It has taking up the task of transforming Indian Agriculture through developing the skills of country’s manpower in emerging areas of agriculture.
ASCI has covered skilling over a wide range of job roles ranging from Farm Mechanization and Precision Farming, Agri-Information Management, Dairy Farm Management, Poultry Farm Management, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Post-Harvest Supply Chain Management, to Forestry & Agro Forestry, Watershed Management, Amenity Horticulture & Landscaping, Production Horticulture, Seeds Industry, Soil Health Management, Commodity Management, Agri Entrepreneurship & Rural Enterprises, to name a few. Dr. Arya while mentioning the contributions of TPs expressed the hope that TPs would maintain the high standards expected by NSDC and MSDE in their TCs.
The agenda of this meeting was mainly to address key points such as, to discuss about latest developments in skilling in Agriculture domain; to elicit feedback from Training Partners regarding points related to skilling; to address the issues facing by TPs in implementation of PMKVY & Non PMKVY programme, to discuss current projects and opportunities for TPs under other Ministries/ Programmes/ States/ University System and to discuss about Way Forward in association with ASCI and skilling eco system.
There was a close interaction between training partners, ASCI as well as institutions such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Veterinary Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras , leading agriculture companies. This meet was held at ASCI regional office, Bengaluru, IAT Building. Dignitaries who attended included Dr M.S. Nataraju, Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Dr. Placid. E. D’ Souza, Dean, Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Dr Satender Singh Arya, CEO, ASCI and other distinguished guests.
Dr. M. S. Nataraju, Vice Chancellor, UAS, Bengaluru and Dr. Placid. E. D’ Souza , Dean, Veterinary College, addressed the audience regarding skill development in Agriculture and allied fields.
Dr S.S. Arya, CEO, ASCI had a highly interactive session with the TPs and B. Voc college staff to address their queries and clarified the same during this session.
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