Agriculture Skill Council of India organized its 3rd Southern Annual Training Partners – Industry Meet on 1st August 2019 at Royal Orchid Central Bengaluru in partnering with Society for Employment Generation and Enterprise Development in Andhra Pradesh (SEEDAP).
The agenda of this meeting was to address key points on latest developments in skilling in agriculture domain and to elicit feedback from Training Partners (TP) regarding points related to skilling. Along with this the meet also emphasized on the issues the TPs are facing in implementation of PMKVY & Non PMKVY programme. Current projects and opportunities for TPs along with apprenticeship programme, Industry demand & strategy to meet the manpower requirements were discussed in the meeting.
Agri Skill Connect 2019: Agriculture SSC’s Southern Annual Training Partners – Industry Meet
The event was graced by the presence of Dr M R Dinesh (Director – Indian Institute of Horticulture Research), Dr N K Dadlani (Eminent Horticulture Expert & GC Member of ASCI), Dr Satender Singh Arya (CEO- ASCI), Mr. Kausthav Nath (SEO – NSDC), Mr. Subhash Kiran (General Manager – SEEDAP) and other distinguished guests.
Dr.Satender Singh Arya addressed the gathering on expanding footprints of Agri Skills, ASCI’s achievements and contribution to apprenticeship programme and placements. Mr.Vinod Kumar (F& V Division, Big Basket) discussed skilled manpower requirement in many segments of the industry like procurement, handling, supply chain, warehouse, packing and transportation etc. He talked about the importance of Skilling youth and employing them in the industry. Dr.Dwiji Guru (Director – The Millet) said that agriculture is a nutrition driven Industry. He mentioned the need for Skilling Agriculture Officers and deploy them on the village level to educate the farmer’s community.
Dr.Vadiraj (Principal Scientist, SPICES BOARD) addressed the gathering on the RPL programme implementation done by the Spices Board at various centres across India. He also talked about creating awareness of skilling activities on the village level and enrolling the candidates to train and make them self-employable. Dr Senthil Kumar (Dean, GPS Institute of Agriculture Management) talked about Skilling model being followed by the institute, enrolment of candidates, skill loan facility and placements platform at the institute. Mr.Raghuram K S (Akshayakalpa Farms) discussed various segments where skilling in agriculture is required.
Few Industry representatives spoke about the skill training programme and it’s a necessity in the current scenario while representatives from Training Partners spoke on programme implementation and skill training programmes in agriculture domain.
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